Bible Facts
It is the most influential book ever written.
The BIBLE is the BEST seller of all time !
The BIBLE is the most STOLEN book of all time!
The BIBLE is the most popular book that is given for FREE !
Jesus/God was not the Author the bible -but the bible is quoted as saying
"All scripture is Breathed out by GOD" Timothy 3:16
It was actually scribed by 40 Authors-The Bible is a reliable collection of historical documents written by Eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other Eyewitnesses..
The Bible contains over 66 volumes ( Books) and the Authors were
Kings, Generals, Fishermen, Tax Collectors, Historians, Doctors -People from all walks of Life..
In the Bible there are hundreds of subjects written over a period of 1500 years.
It has been translated in over 2500 languages.
It contains 750,000 words
It is written in a perspective of Jesus's examples in life
"Don't do as I say- But Do as I do !
It is said to do this ,so Jesus could be portrayed this way so we can follow his life as an example.! "" I AM the WAY THE TRUTH , and THE LIFE "" .
If Jesus wrote about HIMself it would have changed the dynamic.
The king James Bible is the only one that does NOT have a copyright applied to it.
Other Bibles have copyright because if a book has been altered by at least 10 % they include a copyright.
Some re -published bibles have been edited and some words removed!
The KJV is the truest most accurate * according to sources ,to be the WORD OF GOD
The Bible was written over 3 continents -Asia ,Africa and Europe and was written from 3 languages -Hebrew, Greek and some Aramaic.
The bible is banned in many countries around the world especially the "New Testament" The New Testament is the part of the bible living out NOW and this is the new covenant of Jesus.
There were Very limited Bibles in Russia after the death of stalin.
t is an offence to own a bible in Nth Korea.
Saudi Arabia won't allow you access into the country if you have a bible in your luggage and will check your baggage , your computer , and your phone for bible apps.
In the past it was banned from Italy, the Roman Empire, Spain, Sth America and having a bible could have resulted in death.
Is seems that a lot of people do not want you to read the bible ?
You have to ask yourself why?
World Tyrants FEAR this book but why?
The Word of God is POWERFUL ,it is the TRUTH that many search for ,and It saves souls !!! They don't want you to be brought to salvation through our LORD Jesus Christ.
( Salvation meaning- Salvation of a person ,or their spirit,the state of being ...being saved from evil and its effects by death of Jesus on a cross and the blood shed for removal of sins
Sins Meaning- a transgression /act of breaking a moral law
Salvation gives everlasting eternal life in the heavenly realms with the LORD)
More than over 2000 prophecies have been filled in the bible.
The Old testament contains over 300 prophecies about JESUS long before HIS birth.
Mathematically speaking , the odds of winning the lottery are about 1 in 259,ooo,ooo
The odds of Fulfilling only "8 "Prophecies ,is about 1 in 1oooooooooooooooooo
( thats 18 zeros)
The probability of one man fulfilling 48 prophecies out 300 is about out 10oooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ( tahts120 zeros a number I cannot even pronounce)
JESUS FULFILLED OVER 300 Thats only the ones recorded in the bible and yes there could have been many more unrecorded !!!
The Bible is said to be historically correct according to the timeline of events done by historical researchers and Biblical Researchers.
There have been many historical artefacts uncovered /unearthed through archaeological digs ( over 25,000 confirmed cases of subject matter in the biblical documents) and many more could still be found.
The Bible is also said to be SCIENTIFICALLY correct, proven by scientists and the accuracy has never failed.
In Genesis Creation is expressed in terms of
Genesis 1: 1-3 -
"In the beginning" = TIME
GOD Created heaven = SPACE
And the Earth=MATTER
And said "Let there be Light" = CHEMISTRY
An interesting concept -The human body consists of 28 base and trace elements all which are found in the earth.( Chemistry)
Creation is made of particles that are indecipherable to our eyes and all matter consists if invisible elements.
Mathematical Bible Codes
A bible code discovered by mathematical software revealed The meaning of all 80 names from Adam to Jesus,which reads sequentially, and reveals a secret message.
For example if we take the first born sons name from each generation from Adam and their Hebrew names ,then the hebrew meaning of the name ,and we see it reveal a pattern in the genealogy of the bloodline of names.
example from Adam to Noah its reveals...
see here -
** First Born Male from Adam to Noah ** Name meaning in Hebrew
ADAM- man
SETH - is appointed
ENOCH- a mortal man of
KENAN- sorrow is born!
MAHALALEL - The Glory of God
JARED- shall come down
ENOCH- Instructing that.
Methuselah- His death shall bring
LAMECH- Those in despair
NOAH - comfort and rest."
"The God-man is appointed, a mortal man of sorrow is born! The Glory of God shall come down and teach that His death shall bring the grieving comfort and rest."
If you continue with the genealogy names we get the next few paragraphs....this is from Shem to Jesus
The fame of the stronghold of Babylon, and sorrow, extend their borders like a plant beyond the place of division (at the Tower of Babel). But I will make Babylon fade away! ---
A friend also branches out, enraged with fury
A glorious father, the father of a great multitude laughs as he outwits (his enemy).
A righteous prince sees God!
A mighty-one fights! {He joins himself to an assembly, a glorious people whom he rescued, stranger(s) in a strange land, captives delivered by God!"}
One who praises the Lord breaks open a way into a safe place that is surrounded by a high wall.
O' my people who belong to the prince, a prophet clothed with strength, who serves (the Lord), is here!
Out of love, this beloved one paid the price for peace in order to set the people free.
My Father is the Lord, the healer of him whom the Lord judged and then raised up.
The Lord has taken hold of me and the Lord is strong! Mighty is the Lord! My strength and help are in the Lord! The Lord is perfect! I took hold of the strength of the Lord and it made me forget my misery.
Truly, (I am) the Master Builder whom the Lord God healed, whom the Lord raised up, and whom the Lord upholds, did uphold and will uphold!
I asked God about the ransomed of the Lord --- those exiled in Babylon.
My Father is awesome! God will answer by raising up a helper, the Just One will the Lord raise up! God is my praise! God is the One who helps.
May the Gift of Jacob increase in greatness, for God is with us --- the Messiah and Savior of those called out (of Babylon)
Adam-to-Abraham Acrostic:
"I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving those made from the dust once again."
Harvard University discovered a message from God in the human DNA.
Researchers at the Harvard University announced that they found a message from God written in the genome of our DNA code.( year 2000)
As a team of the top geneticists discover a 22 word snippet of ancient writing which God confirms His existence and role in creating life on Earth.
The message was discovered when the researchers noticed some strange mathematical patterns appearing within a certain section of the genome in our DNA. As Charles Watson explained – who is the lead scientist.
While he was doing some cross-referencing of the patterns on a whim with a language database to see if he could establish the codes meaning, the team was surprised to find that the patterns corresponded to the ancient language that Jesus spoke in His daily life “Aramaic“.
Stunned by this discovery the team then contacted language experts who were familiar with the ancient Aramaic language to break it down for them.
Entirely decoded the message reads.....
“Hello my children.
This is Yahweh, the one true Lord.
You have found creations secret. Now share it peacefully with the world”
~ The researchers couldn’t come up with any persuasive explanation that it wasn’t the one and only Jesus Christ.
see link here
Many Scholars and Professors and other people have set out on a course to disprove the bible or to debunk it completely only to start to read the Bible and find that indeed it is TRUTH.
Here are 5 examples of respected skeptics who set out to disprove Christianity, yet through their research actually became Christians.
Sir William Mitchell Ramsay
was a highly respected archaeologist (so much so that he was knighted) from Scotland. He set out to prove the historical inaccuracies of the book of Acts. Ramsay thought this book was the most ridiculous of all the New Testament. 15 years he spent researching and digging, only to end up being convinced of the incredible accuracy of the book, converted to Christianity, and called Luke (who wrote Acts) one of the greatest historians to ever live. His has written several books on the subject, which have yet to be refuted. His work caused an outcry from atheists because they had been eagerly awaiting his results in disproving the validity of the book.
Frank Morrison
was an English journalist and author who set out to disprove the myth of Christianity over over 80 years ago. His book “Who moved the stone?” is a classic and has led many people to Christ.
Lee Strobel
was a journalist for the Chicago Tribune who set out to disprove Christianity, but ended up becoming a Christian and created the famous “Case for…” series. You can find his testimony on Youtube .
Josh McDowell
set out to write a paper in college to expose Christianity as a myth, but ended up being so convinced that he became a Christian himself and wrote the influential book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”.
Andre Kole
was a giant in the world of magic, creating tricks for the greatest magicians in the world including making the statue of liberty disappear for David Copperfield.
He was commissioned to study the miracles of the bible to expose them as magic tricks and thus disprove its legitimacy.
Through this investigation, Andre Kole became a Christian and has since dedicated himself to spreading the Gospel .
MORE FACTS>.........
Why do publishers love The Bible so much?
Not only is the Bible the best selling book of all time, the Bible is the best selling book of the year …every. single. year!!
In the USA alone 26 million Bibles are sold every single year.
By comparison the top five best sellers combined sold 12 million copies
6 to 7 Billion Bibles have been sold since it started to be printed and distributed
The Gideons have distributed 1.6 billion in more than 190 countries
More people read the Bible than any other book.
Without question the Bible is the most important book in the world.
Winston Churchill called the Bible a masterpiece.
Writers as diverse as Milton and Swift and Scott quote from the Bible.
If you were to delete every biblical reference from the great art and literature of the world, our galleries and our library’s would shrink in half.
Artists, poets, musicians, writers and sculptors have filled the world with their works based on biblical themes.
No book in the world or the history of the world has inspired more creativity than the Bible.
The Bible was written by 40 human authors from all walks of life. They were: kings, farmers, fisherman, historians, prophets and Apostles.
The Bible was written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
The Spirit of God moved the writers of scripture as they wrote.
The words they wrote down were nothing less than the words of God.
Yet, at the same time the authors own styles and personalities are evident in their writings.
The 10 Commandments are the cornerstone of the Jurisprudence.
The sermon on the mount is the formation of morality and ethics around the world.
Today, the English Bible is everywhere.
If you have ever made light of something
Shown the patients of Job
Noticed the signs of the times
Resolved to fight the good fight
Called someone the salt of the earth
Been where 2 or 3 are gathered together
Found that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Decided to eat, drink and be merry
Or been saved by the skin of your teeth
Then you’ve quoted the English Bible in phrases etched into our daily language forever and ever
A famous Theologian said of the Bible:
“No other book can touch its profound wisdom, it’s poetic beauty or the accuracy of its history.
The Bible embodies all of the knowledge man needs to fill the longings of his soul & solve all of his problems.
I want to be saturated with the Bible. I want to know it by heart before I die.”
The incredible word of God for believers has had such great value and that value is evident in their willingness to sacrifice their very lives for possessing it.
The great persecution of the church in 303… The Roman emperor Diocletian was determined to destroy the Scriptures.
Any copy that was found was burned. Thousands of believers & their families were murdered because they would not throw away their copies.
This killing & destruction of the Scriptures lasted two years. After which, victory was declared over the ashes of a Bible, claiming the Bible is extinct.
20 years later the year emperor Constantine proclaimed the Bible the infallible judge of all truth & it came back to life
French humanist Voltaire 1694 to 1778, declared that 50 years from now the Bible would not exist.
Yet in that year of his boast, the British museum purchased a manuscript of the Greek New Testament for $500,000.
While the first edition of Voltaire’s book was selling for 8 cents a copy
50 years after the death of Voltaire, Bibles were being printed by the Geneva Bible Society in the very house where Voltaire had lived and on his very own printing presses.
God definitely has a sense of humor.
No one can stamp out the Bible.
And the Bible still stands as God’s wonderful message to Man.
I remember versus I memorized as a kid! The Bible is the only God inspired book ever written…
So important to be faithful to the text & not take text out of context because that becomes a pretext.
If you study the Bible by plucking scripture out, you can make it say whatever you want!!!
I have watched this book & the Savior it represents permanently change peoples lives.
Let’s make the study of God‘s word a priority in our lives.
The Bible is the most influential book in the world because its message originated with God
It resolves the most pressing human need and that is how to know God and be reconciled to him.
May this book the Bible
Fill your memory, Rule your heart,
guide your feet.
Read it slowly, frequently & prayerfully.
It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, a river of pleasure.
It is given to you in this life & it will be open someday at the judgment & remembered forever more.
Harvard University discovered a message from God in the human DNA.
Researchers at the Harvard University announced that they found a message from God written in the genome of our DNA code.( year 2000)
As a team of the top geneticists discover a 22 word snippet of ancient writing which God confirms His existence and role in creating life on Earth.
The message was discovered when the researchers noticed some strange mathematical patterns appearing within a certain section of the genome in our DNA. As Charles Watson explained – who is the lead scientist.
While he was doing some cross-referencing of the patterns on a whim with a language database to see if he could establish the codes meaning, the team was surprised to find that the patterns corresponded to the ancient language that Jesus spoke in His daily life “Aramaic“.
Stunned by this discovery the team then contacted language experts who were familiar with the ancient Aramaic language to break it down for them.
Entirely decoded the message reads.....
“Hello my children.
This is Yahweh, the one true Lord.
You have found creations secret. Now share it peacefully with the world”
~ The researchers couldn’t come up with any persuasive explanation that it wasn’t the one and only Jesus Christ.
see link here
Many Scholars and Professors and other people have set out on a course to disprove the bible or to debunk it completely only to start to read the Bible and find that indeed it is TRUTH.
Here are 5 examples of respected skeptics who set out to disprove Christianity, yet through their research actually became Christians.
Sir William Mitchell Ramsay
was a highly respected archaeologist (so much so that he was knighted) from Scotland. He set out to prove the historical inaccuracies of the book of Acts. Ramsay thought this book was the most ridiculous of all the New Testament. 15 years he spent researching and digging, only to end up being convinced of the incredible accuracy of the book, converted to Christianity, and called Luke (who wrote Acts) one of the greatest historians to ever live. His has written several books on the subject, which have yet to be refuted. His work caused an outcry from atheists because they had been eagerly awaiting his results in disproving the validity of the book.
Frank Morrison
was an English journalist and author who set out to disprove the myth of Christianity over over 80 years ago. His book “Who moved the stone?” is a classic and has led many people to Christ.
Lee Strobel
was a journalist for the Chicago Tribune who set out to disprove Christianity, but ended up becoming a Christian and created the famous “Case for…” series. You can find his testimony on Youtube .
Josh McDowell
set out to write a paper in college to expose Christianity as a myth, but ended up being so convinced that he became a Christian himself and wrote the influential book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”.
Andre Kole
was a giant in the world of magic, creating tricks for the greatest magicians in the world including making the statue of liberty disappear for David Copperfield.
He was commissioned to study the miracles of the bible to expose them as magic tricks and thus disprove its legitimacy.
Through this investigation, Andre Kole became a Christian and has since dedicated himself to spreading the Gospel .
MORE FACTS>.........
Why do publishers love The Bible so much?
Not only is the Bible the best selling book of all time, the Bible is the best selling book of the year …every. single. year!!
In the USA alone 26 million Bibles are sold every single year.
By comparison the top five best sellers combined sold 12 million copies
6 to 7 Billion Bibles have been sold since it started to be printed and distributed
The Gideons have distributed 1.6 billion in more than 190 countries
More people read the Bible than any other book.
Without question the Bible is the most important book in the world.
Winston Churchill called the Bible a masterpiece.
Writers as diverse as Milton and Swift and Scott quote from the Bible.
If you were to delete every biblical reference from the great art and literature of the world, our galleries and our library’s would shrink in half.
Artists, poets, musicians, writers and sculptors have filled the world with their works based on biblical themes.
No book in the world or the history of the world has inspired more creativity than the Bible.
The Bible was written by 40 human authors from all walks of life. They were: kings, farmers, fisherman, historians, prophets and Apostles.
The Bible was written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
The Spirit of God moved the writers of scripture as they wrote.
The words they wrote down were nothing less than the words of God.
Yet, at the same time the authors own styles and personalities are evident in their writings.
The 10 Commandments are the cornerstone of the Jurisprudence.
The sermon on the mount is the formation of morality and ethics around the world.
Today, the English Bible is everywhere.
If you have ever made light of something
Shown the patients of Job
Noticed the signs of the times
Resolved to fight the good fight
Called someone the salt of the earth
Been where 2 or 3 are gathered together
Found that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Decided to eat, drink and be merry
Or been saved by the skin of your teeth
Then you’ve quoted the English Bible in phrases etched into our daily language forever and ever
A famous Theologian said of the Bible:
“No other book can touch its profound wisdom, it’s poetic beauty or the accuracy of its history.
The Bible embodies all of the knowledge man needs to fill the longings of his soul & solve all of his problems.
I want to be saturated with the Bible. I want to know it by heart before I die.”
The incredible word of God for believers has had such great value and that value is evident in their willingness to sacrifice their very lives for possessing it.
The great persecution of the church in 303… The Roman emperor Diocletian was determined to destroy the Scriptures.
Any copy that was found was burned. Thousands of believers & their families were murdered because they would not throw away their copies.
This killing & destruction of the Scriptures lasted two years. After which, victory was declared over the ashes of a Bible, claiming the Bible is extinct.
20 years later the year emperor Constantine proclaimed the Bible the infallible judge of all truth & it came back to life
French humanist Voltaire 1694 to 1778, declared that 50 years from now the Bible would not exist.
Yet in that year of his boast, the British museum purchased a manuscript of the Greek New Testament for $500,000.
While the first edition of Voltaire’s book was selling for 8 cents a copy
50 years after the death of Voltaire, Bibles were being printed by the Geneva Bible Society in the very house where Voltaire had lived and on his very own printing presses.
God definitely has a sense of humor.
No one can stamp out the Bible.
And the Bible still stands as God’s wonderful message to Man.
I remember versus I memorized as a kid! The Bible is the only God inspired book ever written…
So important to be faithful to the text & not take text out of context because that becomes a pretext.
If you study the Bible by plucking scripture out, you can make it say whatever you want!!!
I have watched this book & the Savior it represents permanently change peoples lives.
Let’s make the study of God‘s word a priority in our lives.
The Bible is the most influential book in the world because its message originated with God
It resolves the most pressing human need and that is how to know God and be reconciled to him.
May this book the Bible
Fill your memory, Rule your heart,
guide your feet.
Read it slowly, frequently & prayerfully.
It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, a river of pleasure.
It is given to you in this life & it will be open someday at the judgment & remembered forever more.
Bible passage Prophecy Fulfillment
These are all the bible prophecies about the coming Messiah that were written long before
Jesus Birth....and Jesus came and fulfilled every 300 of them
Proof the Bible is the Truth !!!!!!
please let that sink in
1 Gen. 3:15a
He would be human, born of a woman
Gal. 4:4-5, Matt. 1:18
2-Gen. 3:15b
He will reconcile people to God
Heb. 2:14, 1 John 3:8
3 Gen. 3:15c
He would crush evil at his own expense
Matt. 27:35, Luke 24:39-40
4 Gen. 22:18
He would be a descendant of Abraham
Matt. 11:27 & Luke 3:36
5 Gen. 26:1-5
He would be a descendant of Abraham's son Isaac
Rom. 9:7, Heb. 11:18, Matt. 1:2
6 Gen. 28:13,14
He would be a descendant of Isaac's son Jacob
Luke 3:34
7 Gen. 49:10
He would be a descendant of Jacob's son Judah
Matt. 1:2-3
8 Isa. 11:1-10
He would be a descendant of Jesse, a descendant of Judah
Matt. 1:2-3
9 Isa. 11:1
He would be a descendant of Jesse's son King David
Matt. 1:1
10 Gen. 49:10
He would appear after a succession of rulers from the Tribe of Judah
History: Josephus writes that King Herod's son was dethroned in 6 A.D. and replaced by a Roman Procurator.
11 Dan. 9:25
He would appear after the rebuilding of Jerusalem
History: Jerusalem had been rebuilt by the time of Jesus, after recovering from the Babylonian destruction.
12 Dan. 9:26
He would appear before the (Roman) destruction of Jerusalem
History: The Rom. destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
13 Mic. 5:2
He would be born in Bethlehem
Matt. 2:1-5
14 Isa. 7:13,14
Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus
Luke 1:35
15 Isa. 7:14
He would be called Immanuel (God with us)
Matt. 1:23
16 Isa. 40:3–4
He would be preceded by a forerunner
Matt. 3:1-4
17 Mal. 3:1
A messenger would prepare the way for the Lord
Matt. 7:10
18 Isa. 61:1,2a
The ministry of Jesus is foreshadowed by Isaiah
Matt. 3:16-17, Luke 4:18, John 8:31-32, Luke 4:19
19 Isa. 9:1,2
He would appear in Galilee, be a light to Gentiles
Matt. 4:12-17, Luke 2:28-32
20 Isa. 35:4-6
He would perform miracles
Mark 10:51-52, Mark 7:32-35, Matt. 11:4-5, Matt. 12:10-13, Matt. 9:32-33
21 Ps. 78:1–2
He would teach in parables
Matt. 13:3, 13-15
22 Deut. 18:15-18
God promised another prophet like Moses
John 6:14, John 5:45-47, John 8:28-29, Acts 3:23, Heb. 6:4-6
Isa. 42:2-3
He would be humble, meek
Matt. 11:28-30
Ps. 2:1-12
He would be called God's son
Acts 4:25-28
Isa. 9:6,7
Isaiah spoke of a son who would be called God
John 10:30, John 20:27-29
Zech. 9:9
He would enter Jerusalem while riding on a donkey
Matt. 21:6-9
Ps. 41
Psalm 41 foreshadowed the betrayal of Jesus
John 13:18
Isa. 53:1-4
He would be rejected
Matt. 27:21-23
Dan. 9:24-26
Daniel predicted when he would be rejected
Matt. 16:21; 21:38-39
Ps. 22:6
Messiah would be despised
Luke 23:21-23
Isa. 53:7
He would be oppressed
Matt. 27:27-31
Isa. 53:7
He would be silent before his accusers
Matt. 27:12-14
Ps. 22:7
Messiah would be mocked by people shaking their heads
Matt. 27:39
Isa. 50:6,7
He would be beaten and spat upon
Matt. 26:67
Isa. 50:6,7
He would be spat upon
Matt. 27:30
Ps. 35:19
He would be hated without reason
John 15:25
Ps. 69:4
He would be hated without cause
John 15:25
Ps. 69:8
He would become a stranger to his own brothers
Luke 8:20-21
Isa. 53:12
He would be 'numbered with the transgressors'
Luke 23:32
Ps. 22:16
His hands and feet would be pierced
John 19:37, 20:27
Ps. 22:15
His suffering would include thirst
John 19:28
Isa. 53:12
He would intercede for sinners
Luke 23:34
Ps. 22:1
He would be forsaken
Matt. 27:46
Ps. 22:1
He would cry out to God
Matt. 27:46
Ps. 22:8
His faith in God would be mocked
Matt. 27:43
Ps. 22:17-18
He would be stripped of his clothing
Luke 23:34-35
Ps. 22:18
They would cast lots for his clothing
Matt. 27:35, John 19:23
Isa. 53:4-6
He would suffer for the sins of others
2 Cor. 5:21
Isa. 53:8,9
He would die
Matt. 27:45-56
Ps. 22:14
His death described
John 19:34
Zech. 12:10
Zechariah foreshadowed the piercing of Jesus
John 19:34-37
Dan. 9:24
He would bring an end to sin
Gal. 1:3-5
Isa. 53:9
He would be buried in a wealthy man's tomb
Matt. 27:57-61
Ps. 16:9–11
God's anointed one would not see decay
Acts 2:31
Zech. 10:4
He would be the cornerstone
Eph. 2:20
Ps. 118:22-24
The rejected stone would become the cornerstone
Matt. 21:42,43
Ps. 16:8-11
King David prophesied about resurrection
John 20:9
Job 19:25-27
Job foreshadows details of resurrection
John 5:24-29
2 Sam. 7:12–13
King David’s offspring would have an eternal kingdom
Luke 1:32, Rev. 22:16
2 Sam. 7:16
King David's throne would be established forever
Luke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
Ps. 89
Another prophetic promise about the permanence of David's throne
Luke 1:32,33
Dan. 7:13–14
Son of Man would have everlasting throne
Luke 1:31-33
Isa. 11:10
He would be a banner to Gentiles
John 12:18-21
Isa. 42:1-4
He would affect people throughout the world
Matt. 28:19,20
Isa. 42:6
He would be a light to people around the world
Luke 2:32
Mic. 5:4
He would have a worldwide impact
History: Christianity has spread to people all over the world.
Gen. 49:10b
He would receive the obedience of the people
History: Christianity has spread to people all over the world.
Isa. 49:6
He would bring salvation to the ends of the earth
History: Christianity has spread to people all over the world.
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