Sophie's New age testimony
"l was doingSpells and blood magick to heal my trauma"
"l was doingSpells and blood magick to heal my trauma"
My New Age lifestyle by Sophie Doyle
On the left was during the time of me running a multi-service "spiritual" business and taking vunerable people's money to "retrieve lost parts of their soul", speak with negative entities/demons and "manifest their best life."
I was knee-deep in some questionable practices, such as womb healing, spells and blood magick to try and "heal my shadows and layers of trauma" so I could be of service to others and continue the show.
Month after month, I would use plant medicines and my menstrual blood to open portals to extremely dark entities that were attached to me so I could try and seek some sort of freedom and happiness.
I thought that these were all normal practices and this was a normal (even, cool) way to live.
I idolised myself and put myself on a pedestal day after day by dancing on stories to try and show that I was growing, evolving and looking "sexy".
I became semi well-known in the new-age spiritual community and I'd spend most of my days directing people how to live their lives and dance on my social media stories to show how "empowered" and "healed" I was so that people would want to work with me.
All of it was one big mess of pretend.
I wanted attention and validation.
I felt sad, unhappy and empty.
No matter how hard I tried, there was always the internal struggle to feel any peace.
I'd have many questions such as "why do I keep finding myself back here?"
I came to realise, I was never healing layers.
The truth is, what I was doing was never working.
I'd be falling into another depression and always make excuses about how it's just another "spiritual upgrade".
After these "upgrades", I'd add something new to my list to see if I could, maybe, just maybe, integrate more "shadows" and "fragmented" parts of myself to feel whole, complete and possibly a little bit happier.
Maybe another yoga pose, maybe another journal prompt, maybe another self-worshipping affirmation...
I'd wonder what planets were "out of alignment" this time, or if my "twin flame" was going through something and I was feeling it at the same time.
It was an exhausting battle of chasing happiness and idolising myself in the process.
During the tailend of my new-age journey, I found myself in rose code, Mary Magdalene, Jesus and "God is within" terrority.
I found it interesting, but I felt a strong call to start reading the Bible.
I started reading the Bible after chasing what I know now to be false light "christ consciousness" for many months.
I thought they were the same thing.
I was so, so wrong.
I watched new age to Jesus testimonies over and over again.
All of it made me question the last 10 years.
I read about how Jesus predicted that false Christs and false prophets would deceive people in the last days [Matthew 24:24: For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.]
After more research, I made the choice to terminate my 10-year business.
No, I've not lost the plot, and no, it's not a trend I'm following.
I knew I had been led and rapidly saved by the one and ONLY Jesus Christ (there are no others, I promise you)
I was in one place, He corrected me and guided me to the Truth.
And I'm not the only one.
If you take a look around, it's happening everywhere.
I wish I could say it was easy, but that's just not the truth.
My salvation blew me apart like nothing else.
Unlike any plant medicine retreats or 5k investment to "expand my consciousness" and business.
Spiritual warfare is real because Satan wants you with him. He will dress any door up as pretty to have us with him.
I cannot deny that Jesus scooped me up and rescued me out of the pit and held me as I truly faced the land of pretend I had been in.
I thought I knew it all, turns out I know nothing at all.
Jesus showed me how I had been entering the playground of demons and spirits over and over again for years.
Jesus showed me why these practices were not bringing me the peace my soul desperately craved.
I'm not talking about 5D consciousness here, I'm talking about BIBLICAL Jesus.
Jesus showed me truly what was behind all of them [2 Corinthians 11:14: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.]
Jesus helped me forgive more people in three months than I had done in my entire life using any mantra, ritual or spell.
He removed the swearing from my vocabulary and the anxiety from my body that I was so desperately trying to integrate with 'sensual dance', EFT and yoga.
The joy that you're craving will never be found within Ayahuasca or yoga retreats.
Maybe for a minute, because of clever trickery and deception, but never, ever long term.
Any practices that are not from God are cleverly designed to keep you on Satan's hamster wheel.
You will see your trauma as layers to heal, you will not know where to start, and more importantly, you will feel like it'll never, ever end.
It is all designed to make you feel that way.
It's just difficult for us to admit, because we are deep in sin.
I may be shredded for posting this, but I don't care. [Galatians 10:1 If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.]
I would have been the first person to tell you that the Bible was false (without ever reading it myself LOL)
The joy we crave is found within the pages of the Bible, not within a New-Age community that was founded by Freemasonry peoples.
Research Helen Blavasky ("Mother of The New Age") and Aleister Crowley, life time occultists, and read the Gospels, as a starting point.
Because if you say you're a truth seeker, awake, or any of these things, you must also be true to that and willing to take a look at what's uncomfortable.
You can't seek what's real while also turning away.
Pick it up and you'll see how Bible prophesy is playing out right before our very eyes.
Your joy is found on your knees within prayer to God the Father.
You are not your own Saviour.
If you think you can do it all by yourself, you may be more lost than you think or care to admit.
You have a Saviour and He died on the cross for you.
Not only that, but He has already forgiven you of everything.
Religion created by man is the problem - never Jesus.
All you have to do is accept and Love Him.
Just like He will accept and Love you.
[John 6:37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.]
#newagetojesus #bornagain #jesussaves
On the left was during the time of me running a multi-service "spiritual" business and taking vunerable people's money to "retrieve lost parts of their soul", speak with negative entities/demons and "manifest their best life."
I was knee-deep in some questionable practices, such as womb healing, spells and blood magick to try and "heal my shadows and layers of trauma" so I could be of service to others and continue the show.
Month after month, I would use plant medicines and my menstrual blood to open portals to extremely dark entities that were attached to me so I could try and seek some sort of freedom and happiness.
I thought that these were all normal practices and this was a normal (even, cool) way to live.
I idolised myself and put myself on a pedestal day after day by dancing on stories to try and show that I was growing, evolving and looking "sexy".
I became semi well-known in the new-age spiritual community and I'd spend most of my days directing people how to live their lives and dance on my social media stories to show how "empowered" and "healed" I was so that people would want to work with me.
All of it was one big mess of pretend.
I wanted attention and validation.
I felt sad, unhappy and empty.
No matter how hard I tried, there was always the internal struggle to feel any peace.
I'd have many questions such as "why do I keep finding myself back here?"
I came to realise, I was never healing layers.
The truth is, what I was doing was never working.
I'd be falling into another depression and always make excuses about how it's just another "spiritual upgrade".
After these "upgrades", I'd add something new to my list to see if I could, maybe, just maybe, integrate more "shadows" and "fragmented" parts of myself to feel whole, complete and possibly a little bit happier.
Maybe another yoga pose, maybe another journal prompt, maybe another self-worshipping affirmation...
I'd wonder what planets were "out of alignment" this time, or if my "twin flame" was going through something and I was feeling it at the same time.
It was an exhausting battle of chasing happiness and idolising myself in the process.
During the tailend of my new-age journey, I found myself in rose code, Mary Magdalene, Jesus and "God is within" terrority.
I found it interesting, but I felt a strong call to start reading the Bible.
I started reading the Bible after chasing what I know now to be false light "christ consciousness" for many months.
I thought they were the same thing.
I was so, so wrong.
I watched new age to Jesus testimonies over and over again.
All of it made me question the last 10 years.
I read about how Jesus predicted that false Christs and false prophets would deceive people in the last days [Matthew 24:24: For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.]
After more research, I made the choice to terminate my 10-year business.
No, I've not lost the plot, and no, it's not a trend I'm following.
I knew I had been led and rapidly saved by the one and ONLY Jesus Christ (there are no others, I promise you)
I was in one place, He corrected me and guided me to the Truth.
And I'm not the only one.
If you take a look around, it's happening everywhere.
I wish I could say it was easy, but that's just not the truth.
My salvation blew me apart like nothing else.
Unlike any plant medicine retreats or 5k investment to "expand my consciousness" and business.
Spiritual warfare is real because Satan wants you with him. He will dress any door up as pretty to have us with him.
I cannot deny that Jesus scooped me up and rescued me out of the pit and held me as I truly faced the land of pretend I had been in.
I thought I knew it all, turns out I know nothing at all.
Jesus showed me how I had been entering the playground of demons and spirits over and over again for years.
Jesus showed me why these practices were not bringing me the peace my soul desperately craved.
I'm not talking about 5D consciousness here, I'm talking about BIBLICAL Jesus.
Jesus showed me truly what was behind all of them [2 Corinthians 11:14: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.]
Jesus helped me forgive more people in three months than I had done in my entire life using any mantra, ritual or spell.
He removed the swearing from my vocabulary and the anxiety from my body that I was so desperately trying to integrate with 'sensual dance', EFT and yoga.
The joy that you're craving will never be found within Ayahuasca or yoga retreats.
Maybe for a minute, because of clever trickery and deception, but never, ever long term.
Any practices that are not from God are cleverly designed to keep you on Satan's hamster wheel.
You will see your trauma as layers to heal, you will not know where to start, and more importantly, you will feel like it'll never, ever end.
It is all designed to make you feel that way.
It's just difficult for us to admit, because we are deep in sin.
I may be shredded for posting this, but I don't care. [Galatians 10:1 If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.]
I would have been the first person to tell you that the Bible was false (without ever reading it myself LOL)
The joy we crave is found within the pages of the Bible, not within a New-Age community that was founded by Freemasonry peoples.
Research Helen Blavasky ("Mother of The New Age") and Aleister Crowley, life time occultists, and read the Gospels, as a starting point.
Because if you say you're a truth seeker, awake, or any of these things, you must also be true to that and willing to take a look at what's uncomfortable.
You can't seek what's real while also turning away.
Pick it up and you'll see how Bible prophesy is playing out right before our very eyes.
Your joy is found on your knees within prayer to God the Father.
You are not your own Saviour.
If you think you can do it all by yourself, you may be more lost than you think or care to admit.
You have a Saviour and He died on the cross for you.
Not only that, but He has already forgiven you of everything.
Religion created by man is the problem - never Jesus.
All you have to do is accept and Love Him.
Just like He will accept and Love you.
[John 6:37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.]
#newagetojesus #bornagain #jesussaves
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