New Age testimonies
This one is Lee Arnes New age Testimony.
This one is Lee Arnes New age Testimony.
A ufo sighting at 12 that I recall -Going back I was about 12 years old at this time , when I stood outside on a dark night at 9 pm keenly awaiting to see the fireworks display from an annual event to watch from my backyard. Even though the fireworks were at least 1 kilometre away ,every year we would watch from the comfort of our home.
As we were waiting ,about 500 meters away I saw ,along with my mother and my brother , a bright orange bell craft hover very slower .It wasn't an aeroplane , or a helicopter, it was something we had never seen before and it was fluorescent orange that had a glow radiating off it.
It was about 15 feet off the ground and moved in a horizontal motion to the left .I would estimate it was the size of a bus. It went behind a cluster of trees and as we waited for it to reappear on the other side of the trees…it just disappeared. I was in awe of what I saw, and my mother told my brother to run inside to get the camera. It was gone once he returned. This was the first craft I had seen in natural recall, and it intrigued me and was the starting point of a roller coaster Journey of my life.
We never did see the fireworks that night !!
We walked into the house like zombies....
I had missing time.
I had regression years later because of the missing time and strange dreams I was having . I was in the Craft with 3 beings. One was a typical Grey Alien and one was a Male Nordic being with a blue Jumpsuit with a yellow belt He was muscular ,tanned ,with shoulder length blonde hair.
On his left hand side he had an insignia of a circle with an inverted triangle . The emblem was gold . ( same logo as alcoholics anonymous)
The other being was a very grotesque being around 5 feet tall ,skinny with elongated skull and green grey wrinkly skin, big black eyes and a long deep purple coloured cape with a high collar.
This entity was the only one who spoke to me telepathically .
The others were silent and observing.
The entity spoke telepathically but he also made a high pitched sound at one time that sounded like a vibration and a frequency/tone overlaid at the same time.
This entity conveyed I had been chosen/selected for a special project that l will be used for later in my life. I didn't understand what they were talking about.
I was told about the tunnels system below the earth and that is where they come from.
They didn't tell me what the project was just that I had the necessary traits that they needed to fulfil the project.
They also regarded empathy and emotional intelligence as highly regarded and the entities seems besotted by it.
Throughout my teenage years there was endless reading of books on all the mysteries. UFO ,Aliens, Bigfoot, Paranormal, Ghosts etc. It became a fascination almost an obsession to know more about these topics and to understand what these were? You can say it became a search for what is the Truth.
I should also note that I had a traumatic childhood with a physically and emotionally abusive parents and I lived on eggshells my whole childhood. At times I thought my father was possessed by the Devil as he often had a demonic look in his eyes whilst in a physical psychotic rage of abuse.
My father was born in Germany and moved when he was 2 to another country.
His father was Polish who was abducted by the Nazi's who was made part of the secret police programs and I wont reveal shocking details but he was made to do horrific things, and experiments and was part of secret mind control programs.
The Alien UFO experiences were generational in my family .
My parents seeing a craft just 3 meters in front of them , vanish in a blink ( possibly cloaking) This was one of many UFOs seen by them . I too have seen possibly up to at least 20 UFOS and had many Alien experiences ( lets call them demonic experiences because Aliens are simply demons.
I believe the Alien agenda is inclusive of all operational secret
gov-3rm3nt military programs also relating to missing 411 missing persons and child trafficking and underground bases.
Before my marriage in my later twenties ,l would have strange paranormal experiences .
Hearing whispering, and an audible voice call my name ,and knocking on my bedroom door just to name a few things.
I got married and had kids and settled. Later in the years I sometimes experienced night terrors , horrible nightmares and I would often have very serious bruises and scratches on my body .Blood droplets on my pillow case ,and on my sheets yet in the morning no visible signs of blood on my body.
I still have some blood droplets on my pillow case to this day but nothing else( as far to my knowledge0
A few things happened to my daughter as well.
My daughter was about 4 or 5 ,and she asked if I had taken her nighty off during the night. I noticed it was rolled up on the floor in a very odd and peculiar way like it had been rolled up ,and off over her head and placed on the floor by the bed. Another time her pyjama pants were on inside out and backwards and we both noticed .She often had ,some blood noses ,as I did also at times .Blood droplets on the sheets and pillow with no recollection of HOW or WHY as I did also.
I started to investigate into UFO and Alien Phenomena because i was seeing these crafts since the experience since I was 12 and haven't a lot of strange occurrences and phenomena, and dreams about Aliens.
I went to a few meetings. I wanted to know what these things really were. I was married for 18 years ,together for 20 years , and then our marriage ended -Most likely the enemy targeted the marriage as I was searching for truth, as my experiences escalated. I have always had much warfare in my life usually of a sexual nature. Molested twice at age 12 and raped at age 15...and more things later on.
Later ,I met my new friend ,who later became my second husband .
When I met my husband ,we got on very well ,as we were both having experiences of the Alien kind ,and no one was able to understand what we were going through.
What doctor would understand the scratches , bruises , visual experiences? They would send you to a Psychiatric unit ,so i chose to keep a lot to myself.
It seemed a blessing to have a friendship with someone that understood my strange and abnormal phenomena . My husband had seen an Alien "being" at his work sight as a tree Arborist .
It was the most described Alien or ET that most talk about . The Alien Grey.
Notably with the Naked appearance , greyish white skin ,bulbous head ,and big black sloped eyes.
It stood approx. 20 meters from him, staring at him for about 20 minutes as he was packing up his work truck after a days work in a forested area on a private property. He had an overwhelming feeling of being watched and dread! His spine began to vibrate ,from the back of his head to the bottom of the spine. On a scale of 1-10 of fear ,he said it was incredible rate of 15. A few days before this happened, another staff member had a creepy experience on the property as well ,and came to tell him shaking and said “Don’t make me go down there again” .He told Mick later ( years later) that he woke one night in bed and was 3 foot above the bed levitating. Something connected to this experience.
That encounter was in 2008 when he was in his previous marriage. His whole world was shaken upside down as he didn’t really believe in things like this beforehand , but he had heard of that type of being before. Subsequently this whole event lead him to shatter his thoughts on his reality and subsequently this led him to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .It took him many years to get a grip ,as reality as he knew it was not what he had learnt. He feels the Government and Authorities lie to us and keep the truth hidden from us .
He and I have researched so many things that the normal everyday run of the mill person wouldn't even look into. We have stripped back the worldly deceptions and seen the uncovered truths .Sometimes I wished I didn't see because now l cannot "unsee" what we know . Its a hard life and very lonely when people don't understand your experiences.
We swallowed the red pill ,and even that, can lead to a type of spiritual warfare because God doesn't want us to know good and evil , its Eve in the garden all over again.
So anyway my husband was witnessing the spiritual realms and the entities that accompany that. Many times he had ET Greys in his room that their scampering through the room and would wake him in a heightened state of fight or flight ready to smash them with clench fists.
He suffered about 3 nights on separate occasions of sleep paralysis, completely frozen and unable to move except for his eyes and was in a state of sheer terror at these episodes .These accompanied a feeling of a dreaded presence in the room and not being able to do a damn thing about it.
many times we hear the damn things on the roof ( before we accepted Jesus) and often accompanying a sighting of a ufo.
Its a whole other spiritual realm on another level to this realm, and you will only see it/them if you open yourself up to it ( bite the fruit form the tree of good and evil and your eyes will be opened.)
Together because of our combined experiences , both of us dived deep into exploring the unknown to learn more about whatever these things really are !
We met a whole new world of people at conferences that felt like our "tribe" ( new age people/occultist and the world of the occult) which made it more alluring as well, because we felt like we fit in ,with all our weirdness.
We didn't know it was occult of new age at that time , we were innocent fresh eyes in a dark world without biblical understanding- a serious way to get yourself into serious trouble.
We clicked because we all had the same interest .It’s fair to say that these people are New Age type and are into occult .I didn't see it like that at the time. You slowly slip into these things bit by bit and then your in the mix........Satan is ever so crafty, that's why you always need to "keep watch"( i know this now!!)
We spent time researching the Bigfoot . I read books about them when I was young and was fascinated by all these mysterious creatures, hauntings and ghost's etc
We were speakers at international conferences and become friends with very well known people who've been studying these cryptids Sasquatch for years . We met Travis Walton .
I had 3 experiences with the yowies /Sasquatch.
I believe it was because i was curious about them that it opened me up to it .Gotta be careful what you wish for.
One the first sighting I had ,I just knew on that day l would see one.
Because we were looking for these experiences, just to see one in real time was challenging for me , its almost like I had to satisfy that curiosity for myself to know once and for real is it a real thing or not.
Warning I've learnt: watch out what you ask for!!!
I experienced being charged by a Yowie in a forest near the caves.
It was about 6-10 meters in front of me crashing through the bushes ,snapping branches and crunching the brush as it moved in a running pace toward me. I heard mind speak .As I was asking to see it , it was saying telepathically to me, it would show itself for just a glimpse.
There was a short time I thought it was going to come smashing up to my face and although I was trying to be tough , that's when I thought it got too close for comfort.
It came to a certain point and turned and ran in a different direction.
I saw the whole body ,but never saw the face ( that's strange now I think back on it)
That whole Yowie/Sasquatch took up a lot of my time.
IT became an obsession for both of us. Looking back now -I don't know what we thought we were going to achieve by it all, and still no one had any real answers to all those questions. We would drive through the forests looking out for them ,hoping to catch more sightings. Sometimes we would here grunts, whoops and real loud pop sounds directly in front of us.
I find the obsession leads you down a path of no return always desiring to see or experience more. And when you lose interest , they throw you another carrot , just to get you back again. I know many people who become involved in the Sasquatch phenomena , that end up in a spiritual warfare battle. The PEOPLE BECOME OBSESSED BY IT - it consumes them .
There are whole Sasquatch communities out there , that worship these things. They talk about them like a loved one. Like they give them good vibes etc . There are some horrific stories about them also .That in itself used to make me think ....What if I'm being deceived by these beings?
What if they are something demonic and we shouldn't be chasing them.?
God says- What ever is the focus of the heart becomes your Idol. What you worship.
These sasquatch communities go out to the woods any chance they can get. Its almost an unnatural craving to go -We had that a lot.
Something was drawing you to go out.
An invisible Lure.
They entice you .
Sasquatch or bigfoot what ever you chose to call it is a demonic creature.
You hear the sound, The wood knocks, the foot thuds, the snapping of branches, sometimes a whoop, Things thrown at the roof tops , stones coming out of nowhere thrown at your feet. The Glyphs, which some people are fascinated by ( I wasn't).The photos that you could see shadows and shapes...I Used to see them in pictures too but now its all been turned off.I ve seen some that are just blurred images and to me its Pareidolia but some would swear they see them there in the pictures. I do have clear images of them .They have the ability to put images ,visions and words in your mind.
( psychic - mindspeak)
I even got gifts of Hair and marbles. Yes its a thing if you dont know anything about the Sasquatch.
But what i know now...they are NOT GOOD . They are demonic .Stay away.
Many people have the spiritual warfare that have followed these beings and allowed them into their life.
It takes more of a conversation to understand the impact ,as you cant really explain in words but these beings have led to marriage breakups, financial ruin, destruction, and commonly bad health problems ,cancer being a big one. I am sure now being a MS ( Multiple Sclerosis ) sufferer now it could possible be from all of that. That's about when it all started for me .
At the time we didn’t know what occult was really ,… in my mind I thought occult or witchcraft that was heavy witchcraft or satanic rituals and sacrifices, and we certainly were not into that but I learnt even people who think they are light workers are actually doing witchcraft!!! There is no black or white...witchcraft is witchcraft. And everything is written in the bible that God is totally against witchcraft in the bible and Occult.
At the time I was channelling beings in meditative states
( not intentionally they would just pop in) ,ET type Beings that I believed were my guardians or star visitor spirit guides who were “helping” and “showing ’me more ,as we were all for opening ourselves up to exploring more.
The channelled material always came through with positive information about enlightening the human and advancing the soul kind of stuff.
Many words about raising vibrations and frequencies etc etc
I call it psychic fluff !
These so called spirit guides told me in meditation to create 6 Groups world wide.......I got a vision of the globe with
these lights adjoining all these dots over the world ,like connecting all these dots, and humanity was the dots.
I created these groups and had 6 of them and I had an ambassador for each group . The name given to me from these beings was T.A.L.K Group ( Truth Awakening Limitless Knowledge)The groups were in USA, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany.
I Had Ambassadors acting as leaders in each of these groups .
I became intensely psychic and could see a plethora of spiritual beings . I thought this was great . I thought like all psychics do it was a GIFT.. Little did I know or understand that what I was really channelling was demons and their lies. The bible says they are demons...and I can prove that they are.
God says clearly “My people perish for lack of knowledge” HOSEA 4:6
“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjure, interprets omens, practices sorcery, cast spells ,consult a medium or a familiar spirit ,or enquire of the dead
12For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD. And because of these detestable things, the LORD your God is driving out the nations before you.…”Deuteronomy 18:10-12
These so called Spirit Guides told me I would have a HUGE Spiritual Centre and would attract people from all over the world. They told me in great specific detail that it would be built in 5 stages over time...stage one first will first be built and then open......then stage 2.......and so on.
They told me I needed 20 Million dollars and not to worry the money would come they said. ( I didn't know how that was possible)
. I created a Go-fund -me for my centre.
I received a cheque from another woman who was having ET experience as well . She told me her spirit Guides told her to give me a cheque for the creation of the Centre. That cheque was the first cheque and its value was for TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.
This solidified that these entities were telling the truth. Money for the centre started rolling in.
At conferences I met 5 other people who's spirit Guides has told them the same thing -Yes !!! I kid you not ( that they would be involved in a huge spiritual centre) ...well to me this was the confirmation I was waiting for.
I already had the Business Project manual with Costs , draughts ,pictures, budget costs etc all packaged in binded book , ready to show the business project manager and the financial team. I was serious !
I saw the clearest visions in my mind of the centre in meditation.
Let it be know spirit talks to spirit! ( familiar spirits)
Its not the first I've heard of this now.
Another story i heard a mans spirit Guides kept asking him to write out cheques in the thousands and give them to people ...he end up losing all, his money -This is the enemy at work , he comes to steal , kill an destroy and takes advantage of you.
After we formed our Groups of like minded people, and we also put together Conferences that came under our world wide groups banner ...with Special Guest speakers ( very New Age style) During this time I was heavily focused on the ET phenomena. I was using crystals, Channelling, and looking into all forbidden occult knowledge thinking I was doing good things by learning the history of the planet that was kept hidden form us ,all the esoteric knowledge my heart was desiring at the time .( How deceived I was) .Many people call themselves light workers .People who think they are “light workers” are working for Lucifer., they either know it and say Lucifer is good -he is the light bringer OR
they know lucifer is bad ( a fallen Angel who fell and became Satan ) but are in complete denial .
The false light and there is no light in him.
Many of those light workers -if you ask them what beings they work with they don't really know ,or as on one occasion the teacher was working with PAN ( devil) Yes this actually happens...and she proceeded to say "I just do the healing treatments on the people ,that the beings tells me what to do on the people" Do you see what your getting yourself in for?
Occult is the Devils work , there is nothing good about it.!!!!! They are all Deceived . How I was so deceived also... I was no better .
I was a qualified counsellor in those days I was counselling Alien Abductees and Experiencers ( people who believe their ET experiences are positive and for the betterment of humanity in some way)
I learn and practiced Hypnotherapy and Began Regressing people.
It was through the Regressions for Abductees that I really started to see parallels in cases. Many would report sinister acts of DNA collection and excruciating examinations and in counselling I would highlight this of being a major concern .
I was one of those victims as well.
To this nearly all would dismiss this and say “They told me it’s for my benefit ” or “It’s all for humanity ”they are there to help us. It was like they were under a spell of some type . It was clear to me that this really needs deeper investigation. It really opens MY eyes ! I was starting to see through the veils …
Notably there was always hellish times during these days .Paranormal chaos , people and friendships becoming bizarre and lots of strange things would happen to, to the point I had no trust in people . My God , what was happening?
We know the enemy uses people as a vessel for his assaults.
At times we felt completely under attack .
The whole New Age experience ,conferencing, workshops etc . I was seeing people come against people .
Many were full of Ego and Pride . They were competitive against you and say things about you that were totally not true. Why was this happening?
I felt like we didn’t really fit the mould in those groups and I kept on the fringes , or as the saying goes , I was sitting on the fence looking in .
Our worst attacks were in 2015. Everything was wrong. I had nightmares, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, Headaches, my husband and l and I were constantly fighting . I even heard him say things a certain way , only for him to say he didn't say that ( we know the enemy will twist words to incite confusion and pain)
Witchcraft attacks in the groups.
the attacks increased when the meeting at my house begun for the alien abductee experiencers.
MARK 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
Our house was full of poltergeist activity .
I was told by new age healers and psychic mediums who came to 'cleanse' my house (LOL) of demonic activity, that it was because my frequency was low. This is the common answer for new agers when they don't have a clue what's going on. Its new age fairy fluff.
My house was under demonic warfare .
Every person having Alien experiences that would meet in my home for Alien abduction meet groups was into the occult and was a new age practitioner, and the bible simply tell us its WITCHCRAFT. That my friends is demonic activity . No wonder things escalated out of control.
These are the things that happened.
Electrical equipment was breaking, my computer doing very strange things, my tv ,phone etc
My A/C was spitting out ice.
Things would go missing in the house and re-appear in the strangest places.
Pictures on my wall were moving lop sided DAILY b themselves .I mean all of them
Shadow beings would dart across the room i could see with my peripheral vision.
I lost my Job.
I had strange alien faces on every text message on my phone
Even people who sent me text messages ,didn’t know anything about my involvement with what was happening, and when I questioned them why they sent an alien head emoji they replied they didn’t send it.( these were not the standard emoji but different -ones id never seen before) It was creepy.
Letter Agencies were hacking my phone and emails.
I was getting strange calls with heavy breathing or crazy high pitched tones and buzzing metallic sounding noises.
We had black helicopters hover above our house ,stationary or circling the house and also filming us or taking our photo. Witnessed by my children as well.
It must have happened at least 6 times.
Crafts would be above our house and you would feel the vibration and wooshing the foundations of the house. ( only other experiencers would understand this. I know how it all sounds believe me )
The sightings of strange shaped black crafts would appear close the the house and every where we went.
I became a targeted individual.
I had white Vans follow us everywhere , stopping and snapping our picture, when ever we left the house.
The same songs would be on where ever we went either in shop or car ,songs like "Men in Black" very repetitive and not I'm not normal
seeing of 11:11 everywhere
I heard strange beeping sounds near my head like a Morse code but could never locate it.
I woke up with horrific scratches on my arms.
Blood on my pillow
Blood on my sheets
and incredible bruising on my vagina. Size of a grapefruit. Black and Purple that completely shocked us both. .It wasn't there when I went to bed I can assure you.
There is more here which l wont go into, to do with secret gov programs that l will not talk about here that these entities had me enrolled in. That is what they had planned for me and experiences i went through.-also linking back to my grandfather and his role that he didn't sign up for but was apart that he did not consent to with 1939-1945 war.
I also suffered extreme anxiety and more...I felt like I wanted to die.
I felt I was under attack and couldn't breath, there was no way out . I wanted to die. I could not trust any one
I thought l was going mad.( I'm sure you think that too)
The aliens also have a cute way ( *sarcasm) of bringing new partners together ,( Twin flames -soul connection) which can lead to relentlessly absolving their marriages to their spouses.
Breaking up families ( destruction of the family unit) and creating lustful sinful relationships. They call it I have seen the destruction of many relationships in UFO and New Age occult type settings -Also Read more on a theory called "Alien love bite ".Its not only associated with the Alien theory but it happens in churches today or with Christian families. The demonic use people for their purposes.
And all through this time I didn't know what to do
What do you do when your world is spiralling out of control?
I was a mess.
I had no where to run, no one to trust.
I began praying to Jesus – I was on the floor shattered like a thousand pieces .
I was so broken !
I felt completely alone and isolated !
I thought of Him as my last hope , my last resort . Yet I had believed in who He was my whole life.
There was a ''HUGE ''battle going on .
The devil wanted me because I had opened every door and given him control over my life.
It became a battle of Good and Evil .Like a tug of war with me in the middle.
This was spiritual Warfare !! It was chaotic.
I begged for Jesus as I knew he was REAL, and I LOVED him all my life. I DIDNT KNOW HIM AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOUR
Just in those years I disregarded everything I knew about him as I become confused through new age teachings.
I was a deceived woman who had taken a bite from the forbidden fruit ,and I was paying a price for my redemption.
When you open up to occult you give Satan legal ground and you become his slave/his territory. When you start praying to God for help or Truth the enemy ( Satan ) will fight and terrorise you because he doesn't want to let you go and he doesn't want Jesus to save you )
I Prayed to the Lord to get me out of that house and that area . That house was like a poltergeist house of activity.
We moved to a new house in the next few months .
This was the first Miracle the Lord gave me because I had asked for help. He was moving us out of the danger zone.
We moved to a new area. No one turned up on the inspection day of the house ,except me and even the real estate agent said there were always around 20 people fighting for a property like this one.
I could see God working here when I look back .
I said I didn’t think I could afford it because I had lost so much and was almost broke .
Anyway the paperwork was done and landlord accepted it at a cheaper rate. This also was in walking distance to a church the Lord led me too later.
We still didn’t have the complete Jesus Understanding at this time. It was baby steps.......unfamiliar territory.
(I wasn’t brought Up as Christian)
As many Christians would know it takes time to learn and Grow in Christianity. A sanctification process.
I was about to make another mistake…In my new house now, l learnt Reiki ,set up a room ,thinking reiki is good , its godly -its about healing right ?
paid $500 for advertising for 16 weeks , and did not get 1 client.
I was pretty annoyed and angry .
And I said to Jesus WHY Jesus ?
And He didn’t respond… after listening for word, I heard His silence...............I felt He went away from me .I questioned my actions because if felt like it was wrong. It was holy spirit conviction.
I look back now but back then I thought this nice reiki healing was good for people. Its all demonic. And the Lord didn’t want it in the house. !
I felt to forget about the reiki .I was right .Reiki is an ungodly practice. It is using demons .
In the midst of the attacks I heard a firm but soft voice speak.... “My dear Child”
people tell me you cant hear Jesus speak to you-BALONY!!!!!!
it wasn't Satan leading me out of new age into the arms of Jesus i can assure you. !!!!!
Crisp clear words , very minimal , one or two words. "ITS TIME "
Then the following week I heard...
this strong firm yet gently voice said,
"" shut down ALL your Groups". .
I started to consider it at that point because it felt like who ever was speaking to me , knew me and was showing me something. There was an Authority to it, and it didn't feel like I should not listen. It had a very serious tone.
I had a vision in my mind of all the people I new in new ager and my groups , in the middle of a big white room ,then I saw myself being taken from the centre of the room with all the new agers and put in a corner of the room and the words were spoken.......
2 Timothy 2:19-22
But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”
Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work
It was hard, but I did it because I wanted to follow Jesus ,and I was persecuted by many friends for turning to Christ.
Even after my explaining to try and get them to understand I got BLOCKED ! …and Quite often.
It hurt to lose people id considered a friend.
But God showed me they were not friends or people to associate with anymore.
I closed my Facebook to lose my 800 friends I would never have anything to do with again AND I CLOSED ALL MY GROUPS.
It was turning my new page .
I have no regrets.
After the words SET APART I heard the words SPECIAL PRAYERS
( remember this is all over weeks and months)– I felt He wanted me to do a “specific” prayer .And I found a prayer on the internet a
( deliverance prayer)
I was committed to doing this prayer every morning ,and night .
I prayed to God , is this the prayer i should pray ? I felt like the answer was YES and l told Jesus l would pray until i see change.
On the 3rd day I was delivered . ( delivered means set free from demons)
I literally felt this “thing” lift up and off my neck and shoulder. I felt weird and strange ,like the old me again that I hadn’t been for years. I could see “crisper “through my eyes. Everything looked something was different
something felt good and right .
I felt sad and remorseful , fully convicted of what I had done. Something demonic had left me and i thought to myself..."what on earth was that !!!!
Yes I was delivered and set free.
This is so very common for all people involved in ungodly practices even video games ,yoga and more.
I am not ashamed to say it because I know MANY are WALKING AROUND WITH DEMONS AND THE ANTI CHRIST SPIRIT
Of course they don't know it, they would not even imagine it to be true of themselves. I didn't know I had demons either. Im not ashamed. I liberated by the Grace of Jesus who set me FREE.
If you are involved in any occult practice - you will have them 100% and you need deliverance.
The next words he said was CHURCH- I took that to mean at the time to find a church , yet it could have meant He was telling me I am the Church /part of the church ( BODY OF CHRIST)
Anyhow I did find a church to attend This established me in my faith and gave me the foundation for understanding who Jesus is and His kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom. It made so much sense about ETS. UFOS and how it’s all demonic.
I knew God wanted me here but I knew He said it wouldn’t be forever -I have since left this church ( for the best -too many red flags But Im grateful He has shown me what I needed to learn and He has given me a great gift of discernment )
Then I heard the words FULL SUBMERSION- ( I know people say full immersion but i distinctly remember it as submersion)I heard these words everyday for 3 days …I was confused , what does it mean. I googled it and it came up with full submersion water baptism. So Mick and I did that together. It was so wonderful, and we felt cleansed. It was October at that time I enquired about my Baptism ,and the church leader said there was no more till next year. But God told me NOVEMEBR, NOVEMBER ,NOVEMBER….I told the Pastor and assured me there is NO baptism in November .
I asked him , please check again , a little agitated at my insistence ,and so hesitatingly , he checked the diary, and sure enough they were doing a few in November. I truly believe God wanted it on that day and also to show me for sure that without a doubt 100% God was leading me.
I was overwhelmed with joy that He would want "me "!
I could write so much more but for this testimony, I would like to say Jesus is the TRUTH and The WAY ! There is NO OTHER . Jesus came to set the captives free .
All occult objects ,books , anything new age was burnt in a bonfire !
Everything was cleansed spiritually. We have renounced everything unclean and WE ARE FREE .
NO ETS, ALIENS are (Demonic Impostors) who come to steal , kill and destroy your life , family and well being. I have renounced and broken all curses in the lineage and rebuked all familiar spirits .
I needed to clear the generational curses and familiar spirits which came through my parents , my father’s line -abuse and trauma as well. There is no more Fear or anxiety in daily living.
There is a peace I have never known, and I say this truly.
I walk with the Lord daily , speaking to him all the time - nothing happens in my life without Gods involvement .
I've had many tastes of Gods Blessings along the way.
When I read my own testimony I now cringe - Its like I cannot believe that was me.
The world of occult which combines a spiritual nature without the love of the one True God ( Jesus) . It involves all religious Eastern Practices, New Age ,False Religions, Cults, Alien and ET agenda and it involves a lot of ritualistic based healing ,worship, or practices. Most of the false doctrine includes the belief that we are in a great time of awakening and Ascension , increasing our frequency by mean so our vibration, involves the beliefs of a New Earth , a new Hope of better quality of life for humanity. A belief that all BAD or inhumane acts will be brought to light and justice will be served, hence a release will happen to allow the good to ascend. Some beliefs tell us that the new life will take place on other planets as this will be destroyed and that the Aliens will participate of a 'collection" of humanity.
This is merely the lie that many chose to believe ,and the bible reveals that this is a counterfeit of biblical Truths with much twisting and added deception. Yes in the bible it tells us there will be a harvest on Earth and a New Earth will be established by God and Gods wrath will be poured out on the many souls who are walking in darkness and have not heard the truth of the word of GOD.
Many good people by human standard have believed the lie and can still be part of the New Earth .Understand GOD'S word and GOD'S truth to set you on the right path. Read your Bible !! Don't Have one ? Get one !
When I came to Jesus I threw all those new age books in the fire pit and burnt the lot as they were tarnished with New Age philosophy.
The message Jesus gave me I feel was TRUE , however one can never be totally sure as Satan can masquerade as an Angel of light, I didn't want to take any risk .
If your reading this and don't believe that ETS are demons ...there is a test you can do !
Next time you see one of these ETS ...say to it ..."DO you come in the name of Jesus Christ ?
Jesus Christ is Lord
or Rebuke them in Jesus name
and watch what happens. !!!!"?
They will RUN , they Flee they hate Jesus because they are demons.
A ufo sighting at 12 that I recall -Going back I was about 12 years old at this time , when I stood outside on a dark night at 9 pm keenly awaiting to see the fireworks display from an annual event to watch from my backyard. Even though the fireworks were at least 1 kilometre away ,every year we would watch from the comfort of our home.
As we were waiting ,about 500 meters away I saw ,along with my mother and my brother , a bright orange bell craft hover very slower .It wasn't an aeroplane , or a helicopter, it was something we had never seen before and it was fluorescent orange that had a glow radiating off it.
It was about 15 feet off the ground and moved in a horizontal motion to the left .I would estimate it was the size of a bus. It went behind a cluster of trees and as we waited for it to reappear on the other side of the trees…it just disappeared. I was in awe of what I saw, and my mother told my brother to run inside to get the camera. It was gone once he returned. This was the first craft I had seen in natural recall, and it intrigued me and was the starting point of a roller coaster Journey of my life.
We never did see the fireworks that night !!
We walked into the house like zombies....
I had missing time.
I had regression years later because of the missing time and strange dreams I was having . I was in the Craft with 3 beings. One was a typical Grey Alien and one was a Male Nordic being with a blue Jumpsuit with a yellow belt He was muscular ,tanned ,with shoulder length blonde hair.
On his left hand side he had an insignia of a circle with an inverted triangle . The emblem was gold . ( same logo as alcoholics anonymous)
The other being was a very grotesque being around 5 feet tall ,skinny with elongated skull and green grey wrinkly skin, big black eyes and a long deep purple coloured cape with a high collar.
This entity was the only one who spoke to me telepathically .
The others were silent and observing.
The entity spoke telepathically but he also made a high pitched sound at one time that sounded like a vibration and a frequency/tone overlaid at the same time.
This entity conveyed I had been chosen/selected for a special project that l will be used for later in my life. I didn't understand what they were talking about.
I was told about the tunnels system below the earth and that is where they come from.
They didn't tell me what the project was just that I had the necessary traits that they needed to fulfil the project.
They also regarded empathy and emotional intelligence as highly regarded and the entities seems besotted by it.
Throughout my teenage years there was endless reading of books on all the mysteries. UFO ,Aliens, Bigfoot, Paranormal, Ghosts etc. It became a fascination almost an obsession to know more about these topics and to understand what these were? You can say it became a search for what is the Truth.
I should also note that I had a traumatic childhood with a physically and emotionally abusive parents and I lived on eggshells my whole childhood. At times I thought my father was possessed by the Devil as he often had a demonic look in his eyes whilst in a physical psychotic rage of abuse.
My father was born in Germany and moved when he was 2 to another country.
His father was Polish who was abducted by the Nazi's who was made part of the secret police programs and I wont reveal shocking details but he was made to do horrific things, and experiments and was part of secret mind control programs.
The Alien UFO experiences were generational in my family .
My parents seeing a craft just 3 meters in front of them , vanish in a blink ( possibly cloaking) This was one of many UFOs seen by them . I too have seen possibly up to at least 20 UFOS and had many Alien experiences ( lets call them demonic experiences because Aliens are simply demons.
I believe the Alien agenda is inclusive of all operational secret
gov-3rm3nt military programs also relating to missing 411 missing persons and child trafficking and underground bases.
Before my marriage in my later twenties ,l would have strange paranormal experiences .
Hearing whispering, and an audible voice call my name ,and knocking on my bedroom door just to name a few things.
I got married and had kids and settled. Later in the years I sometimes experienced night terrors , horrible nightmares and I would often have very serious bruises and scratches on my body .Blood droplets on my pillow case ,and on my sheets yet in the morning no visible signs of blood on my body.
I still have some blood droplets on my pillow case to this day but nothing else( as far to my knowledge0
A few things happened to my daughter as well.
My daughter was about 4 or 5 ,and she asked if I had taken her nighty off during the night. I noticed it was rolled up on the floor in a very odd and peculiar way like it had been rolled up ,and off over her head and placed on the floor by the bed. Another time her pyjama pants were on inside out and backwards and we both noticed .She often had ,some blood noses ,as I did also at times .Blood droplets on the sheets and pillow with no recollection of HOW or WHY as I did also.
I started to investigate into UFO and Alien Phenomena because i was seeing these crafts since the experience since I was 12 and haven't a lot of strange occurrences and phenomena, and dreams about Aliens.
I went to a few meetings. I wanted to know what these things really were. I was married for 18 years ,together for 20 years , and then our marriage ended -Most likely the enemy targeted the marriage as I was searching for truth, as my experiences escalated. I have always had much warfare in my life usually of a sexual nature. Molested twice at age 12 and raped at age 15...and more things later on.
Later ,I met my new friend ,who later became my second husband .
When I met my husband ,we got on very well ,as we were both having experiences of the Alien kind ,and no one was able to understand what we were going through.
What doctor would understand the scratches , bruises , visual experiences? They would send you to a Psychiatric unit ,so i chose to keep a lot to myself.
It seemed a blessing to have a friendship with someone that understood my strange and abnormal phenomena . My husband had seen an Alien "being" at his work sight as a tree Arborist .
It was the most described Alien or ET that most talk about . The Alien Grey.
Notably with the Naked appearance , greyish white skin ,bulbous head ,and big black sloped eyes.
It stood approx. 20 meters from him, staring at him for about 20 minutes as he was packing up his work truck after a days work in a forested area on a private property. He had an overwhelming feeling of being watched and dread! His spine began to vibrate ,from the back of his head to the bottom of the spine. On a scale of 1-10 of fear ,he said it was incredible rate of 15. A few days before this happened, another staff member had a creepy experience on the property as well ,and came to tell him shaking and said “Don’t make me go down there again” .He told Mick later ( years later) that he woke one night in bed and was 3 foot above the bed levitating. Something connected to this experience.
That encounter was in 2008 when he was in his previous marriage. His whole world was shaken upside down as he didn’t really believe in things like this beforehand , but he had heard of that type of being before. Subsequently this whole event lead him to shatter his thoughts on his reality and subsequently this led him to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .It took him many years to get a grip ,as reality as he knew it was not what he had learnt. He feels the Government and Authorities lie to us and keep the truth hidden from us .
He and I have researched so many things that the normal everyday run of the mill person wouldn't even look into. We have stripped back the worldly deceptions and seen the uncovered truths .Sometimes I wished I didn't see because now l cannot "unsee" what we know . Its a hard life and very lonely when people don't understand your experiences.
We swallowed the red pill ,and even that, can lead to a type of spiritual warfare because God doesn't want us to know good and evil , its Eve in the garden all over again.
So anyway my husband was witnessing the spiritual realms and the entities that accompany that. Many times he had ET Greys in his room that their scampering through the room and would wake him in a heightened state of fight or flight ready to smash them with clench fists.
He suffered about 3 nights on separate occasions of sleep paralysis, completely frozen and unable to move except for his eyes and was in a state of sheer terror at these episodes .These accompanied a feeling of a dreaded presence in the room and not being able to do a damn thing about it.
many times we hear the damn things on the roof ( before we accepted Jesus) and often accompanying a sighting of a ufo.
Its a whole other spiritual realm on another level to this realm, and you will only see it/them if you open yourself up to it ( bite the fruit form the tree of good and evil and your eyes will be opened.)
Together because of our combined experiences , both of us dived deep into exploring the unknown to learn more about whatever these things really are !
We met a whole new world of people at conferences that felt like our "tribe" ( new age people/occultist and the world of the occult) which made it more alluring as well, because we felt like we fit in ,with all our weirdness.
We didn't know it was occult of new age at that time , we were innocent fresh eyes in a dark world without biblical understanding- a serious way to get yourself into serious trouble.
We clicked because we all had the same interest .It’s fair to say that these people are New Age type and are into occult .I didn't see it like that at the time. You slowly slip into these things bit by bit and then your in the mix........Satan is ever so crafty, that's why you always need to "keep watch"( i know this now!!)
We spent time researching the Bigfoot . I read books about them when I was young and was fascinated by all these mysterious creatures, hauntings and ghost's etc
We were speakers at international conferences and become friends with very well known people who've been studying these cryptids Sasquatch for years . We met Travis Walton .
I had 3 experiences with the yowies /Sasquatch.
I believe it was because i was curious about them that it opened me up to it .Gotta be careful what you wish for.
One the first sighting I had ,I just knew on that day l would see one.
Because we were looking for these experiences, just to see one in real time was challenging for me , its almost like I had to satisfy that curiosity for myself to know once and for real is it a real thing or not.
Warning I've learnt: watch out what you ask for!!!
I experienced being charged by a Yowie in a forest near the caves.
It was about 6-10 meters in front of me crashing through the bushes ,snapping branches and crunching the brush as it moved in a running pace toward me. I heard mind speak .As I was asking to see it , it was saying telepathically to me, it would show itself for just a glimpse.
There was a short time I thought it was going to come smashing up to my face and although I was trying to be tough , that's when I thought it got too close for comfort.
It came to a certain point and turned and ran in a different direction.
I saw the whole body ,but never saw the face ( that's strange now I think back on it)
That whole Yowie/Sasquatch took up a lot of my time.
IT became an obsession for both of us. Looking back now -I don't know what we thought we were going to achieve by it all, and still no one had any real answers to all those questions. We would drive through the forests looking out for them ,hoping to catch more sightings. Sometimes we would here grunts, whoops and real loud pop sounds directly in front of us.
I find the obsession leads you down a path of no return always desiring to see or experience more. And when you lose interest , they throw you another carrot , just to get you back again. I know many people who become involved in the Sasquatch phenomena , that end up in a spiritual warfare battle. The PEOPLE BECOME OBSESSED BY IT - it consumes them .
There are whole Sasquatch communities out there , that worship these things. They talk about them like a loved one. Like they give them good vibes etc . There are some horrific stories about them also .That in itself used to make me think ....What if I'm being deceived by these beings?
What if they are something demonic and we shouldn't be chasing them.?
God says- What ever is the focus of the heart becomes your Idol. What you worship.
These sasquatch communities go out to the woods any chance they can get. Its almost an unnatural craving to go -We had that a lot.
Something was drawing you to go out.
An invisible Lure.
They entice you .
Sasquatch or bigfoot what ever you chose to call it is a demonic creature.
You hear the sound, The wood knocks, the foot thuds, the snapping of branches, sometimes a whoop, Things thrown at the roof tops , stones coming out of nowhere thrown at your feet. The Glyphs, which some people are fascinated by ( I wasn't).The photos that you could see shadows and shapes...I Used to see them in pictures too but now its all been turned off.I ve seen some that are just blurred images and to me its Pareidolia but some would swear they see them there in the pictures. I do have clear images of them .They have the ability to put images ,visions and words in your mind.
( psychic - mindspeak)
I even got gifts of Hair and marbles. Yes its a thing if you dont know anything about the Sasquatch.
But what i know now...they are NOT GOOD . They are demonic .Stay away.
Many people have the spiritual warfare that have followed these beings and allowed them into their life.
It takes more of a conversation to understand the impact ,as you cant really explain in words but these beings have led to marriage breakups, financial ruin, destruction, and commonly bad health problems ,cancer being a big one. I am sure now being a MS ( Multiple Sclerosis ) sufferer now it could possible be from all of that. That's about when it all started for me .
At the time we didn’t know what occult was really ,… in my mind I thought occult or witchcraft that was heavy witchcraft or satanic rituals and sacrifices, and we certainly were not into that but I learnt even people who think they are light workers are actually doing witchcraft!!! There is no black or white...witchcraft is witchcraft. And everything is written in the bible that God is totally against witchcraft in the bible and Occult.
At the time I was channelling beings in meditative states
( not intentionally they would just pop in) ,ET type Beings that I believed were my guardians or star visitor spirit guides who were “helping” and “showing ’me more ,as we were all for opening ourselves up to exploring more.
The channelled material always came through with positive information about enlightening the human and advancing the soul kind of stuff.
Many words about raising vibrations and frequencies etc etc
I call it psychic fluff !
These so called spirit guides told me in meditation to create 6 Groups world wide.......I got a vision of the globe with
these lights adjoining all these dots over the world ,like connecting all these dots, and humanity was the dots.
I created these groups and had 6 of them and I had an ambassador for each group . The name given to me from these beings was T.A.L.K Group ( Truth Awakening Limitless Knowledge)The groups were in USA, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany.
I Had Ambassadors acting as leaders in each of these groups .
I became intensely psychic and could see a plethora of spiritual beings . I thought this was great . I thought like all psychics do it was a GIFT.. Little did I know or understand that what I was really channelling was demons and their lies. The bible says they are demons...and I can prove that they are.
God says clearly “My people perish for lack of knowledge” HOSEA 4:6
“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjure, interprets omens, practices sorcery, cast spells ,consult a medium or a familiar spirit ,or enquire of the dead
12For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD. And because of these detestable things, the LORD your God is driving out the nations before you.…”Deuteronomy 18:10-12
These so called Spirit Guides told me I would have a HUGE Spiritual Centre and would attract people from all over the world. They told me in great specific detail that it would be built in 5 stages over time...stage one first will first be built and then open......then stage 2.......and so on.
They told me I needed 20 Million dollars and not to worry the money would come they said. ( I didn't know how that was possible)
. I created a Go-fund -me for my centre.
I received a cheque from another woman who was having ET experience as well . She told me her spirit Guides told her to give me a cheque for the creation of the Centre. That cheque was the first cheque and its value was for TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.
This solidified that these entities were telling the truth. Money for the centre started rolling in.
At conferences I met 5 other people who's spirit Guides has told them the same thing -Yes !!! I kid you not ( that they would be involved in a huge spiritual centre) ...well to me this was the confirmation I was waiting for.
I already had the Business Project manual with Costs , draughts ,pictures, budget costs etc all packaged in binded book , ready to show the business project manager and the financial team. I was serious !
I saw the clearest visions in my mind of the centre in meditation.
Let it be know spirit talks to spirit! ( familiar spirits)
Its not the first I've heard of this now.
Another story i heard a mans spirit Guides kept asking him to write out cheques in the thousands and give them to people ...he end up losing all, his money -This is the enemy at work , he comes to steal , kill an destroy and takes advantage of you.
After we formed our Groups of like minded people, and we also put together Conferences that came under our world wide groups banner ...with Special Guest speakers ( very New Age style) During this time I was heavily focused on the ET phenomena. I was using crystals, Channelling, and looking into all forbidden occult knowledge thinking I was doing good things by learning the history of the planet that was kept hidden form us ,all the esoteric knowledge my heart was desiring at the time .( How deceived I was) .Many people call themselves light workers .People who think they are “light workers” are working for Lucifer., they either know it and say Lucifer is good -he is the light bringer OR
they know lucifer is bad ( a fallen Angel who fell and became Satan ) but are in complete denial .
The false light and there is no light in him.
Many of those light workers -if you ask them what beings they work with they don't really know ,or as on one occasion the teacher was working with PAN ( devil) Yes this actually happens...and she proceeded to say "I just do the healing treatments on the people ,that the beings tells me what to do on the people" Do you see what your getting yourself in for?
Occult is the Devils work , there is nothing good about it.!!!!! They are all Deceived . How I was so deceived also... I was no better .
I was a qualified counsellor in those days I was counselling Alien Abductees and Experiencers ( people who believe their ET experiences are positive and for the betterment of humanity in some way)
I learn and practiced Hypnotherapy and Began Regressing people.
It was through the Regressions for Abductees that I really started to see parallels in cases. Many would report sinister acts of DNA collection and excruciating examinations and in counselling I would highlight this of being a major concern .
I was one of those victims as well.
To this nearly all would dismiss this and say “They told me it’s for my benefit ” or “It’s all for humanity ”they are there to help us. It was like they were under a spell of some type . It was clear to me that this really needs deeper investigation. It really opens MY eyes ! I was starting to see through the veils …
Notably there was always hellish times during these days .Paranormal chaos , people and friendships becoming bizarre and lots of strange things would happen to, to the point I had no trust in people . My God , what was happening?
We know the enemy uses people as a vessel for his assaults.
At times we felt completely under attack .
The whole New Age experience ,conferencing, workshops etc . I was seeing people come against people .
Many were full of Ego and Pride . They were competitive against you and say things about you that were totally not true. Why was this happening?
I felt like we didn’t really fit the mould in those groups and I kept on the fringes , or as the saying goes , I was sitting on the fence looking in .
Our worst attacks were in 2015. Everything was wrong. I had nightmares, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, Headaches, my husband and l and I were constantly fighting . I even heard him say things a certain way , only for him to say he didn't say that ( we know the enemy will twist words to incite confusion and pain)
Witchcraft attacks in the groups.
the attacks increased when the meeting at my house begun for the alien abductee experiencers.
MARK 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
Our house was full of poltergeist activity .
I was told by new age healers and psychic mediums who came to 'cleanse' my house (LOL) of demonic activity, that it was because my frequency was low. This is the common answer for new agers when they don't have a clue what's going on. Its new age fairy fluff.
My house was under demonic warfare .
Every person having Alien experiences that would meet in my home for Alien abduction meet groups was into the occult and was a new age practitioner, and the bible simply tell us its WITCHCRAFT. That my friends is demonic activity . No wonder things escalated out of control.
These are the things that happened.
Electrical equipment was breaking, my computer doing very strange things, my tv ,phone etc
My A/C was spitting out ice.
Things would go missing in the house and re-appear in the strangest places.
Pictures on my wall were moving lop sided DAILY b themselves .I mean all of them
Shadow beings would dart across the room i could see with my peripheral vision.
I lost my Job.
I had strange alien faces on every text message on my phone
Even people who sent me text messages ,didn’t know anything about my involvement with what was happening, and when I questioned them why they sent an alien head emoji they replied they didn’t send it.( these were not the standard emoji but different -ones id never seen before) It was creepy.
Letter Agencies were hacking my phone and emails.
I was getting strange calls with heavy breathing or crazy high pitched tones and buzzing metallic sounding noises.
We had black helicopters hover above our house ,stationary or circling the house and also filming us or taking our photo. Witnessed by my children as well.
It must have happened at least 6 times.
Crafts would be above our house and you would feel the vibration and wooshing the foundations of the house. ( only other experiencers would understand this. I know how it all sounds believe me )
The sightings of strange shaped black crafts would appear close the the house and every where we went.
I became a targeted individual.
I had white Vans follow us everywhere , stopping and snapping our picture, when ever we left the house.
The same songs would be on where ever we went either in shop or car ,songs like "Men in Black" very repetitive and not I'm not normal
seeing of 11:11 everywhere
I heard strange beeping sounds near my head like a Morse code but could never locate it.
I woke up with horrific scratches on my arms.
Blood on my pillow
Blood on my sheets
and incredible bruising on my vagina. Size of a grapefruit. Black and Purple that completely shocked us both. .It wasn't there when I went to bed I can assure you.
There is more here which l wont go into, to do with secret gov programs that l will not talk about here that these entities had me enrolled in. That is what they had planned for me and experiences i went through.-also linking back to my grandfather and his role that he didn't sign up for but was apart that he did not consent to with 1939-1945 war.
I also suffered extreme anxiety and more...I felt like I wanted to die.
I felt I was under attack and couldn't breath, there was no way out . I wanted to die. I could not trust any one
I thought l was going mad.( I'm sure you think that too)
The aliens also have a cute way ( *sarcasm) of bringing new partners together ,( Twin flames -soul connection) which can lead to relentlessly absolving their marriages to their spouses.
Breaking up families ( destruction of the family unit) and creating lustful sinful relationships. They call it I have seen the destruction of many relationships in UFO and New Age occult type settings -Also Read more on a theory called "Alien love bite ".Its not only associated with the Alien theory but it happens in churches today or with Christian families. The demonic use people for their purposes.
And all through this time I didn't know what to do
What do you do when your world is spiralling out of control?
I was a mess.
I had no where to run, no one to trust.
I began praying to Jesus – I was on the floor shattered like a thousand pieces .
I was so broken !
I felt completely alone and isolated !
I thought of Him as my last hope , my last resort . Yet I had believed in who He was my whole life.
There was a ''HUGE ''battle going on .
The devil wanted me because I had opened every door and given him control over my life.
It became a battle of Good and Evil .Like a tug of war with me in the middle.
This was spiritual Warfare !! It was chaotic.
I begged for Jesus as I knew he was REAL, and I LOVED him all my life. I DIDNT KNOW HIM AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOUR
Just in those years I disregarded everything I knew about him as I become confused through new age teachings.
I was a deceived woman who had taken a bite from the forbidden fruit ,and I was paying a price for my redemption.
When you open up to occult you give Satan legal ground and you become his slave/his territory. When you start praying to God for help or Truth the enemy ( Satan ) will fight and terrorise you because he doesn't want to let you go and he doesn't want Jesus to save you )
I Prayed to the Lord to get me out of that house and that area . That house was like a poltergeist house of activity.
We moved to a new house in the next few months .
This was the first Miracle the Lord gave me because I had asked for help. He was moving us out of the danger zone.
We moved to a new area. No one turned up on the inspection day of the house ,except me and even the real estate agent said there were always around 20 people fighting for a property like this one.
I could see God working here when I look back .
I said I didn’t think I could afford it because I had lost so much and was almost broke .
Anyway the paperwork was done and landlord accepted it at a cheaper rate. This also was in walking distance to a church the Lord led me too later.
We still didn’t have the complete Jesus Understanding at this time. It was baby steps.......unfamiliar territory.
(I wasn’t brought Up as Christian)
As many Christians would know it takes time to learn and Grow in Christianity. A sanctification process.
I was about to make another mistake…In my new house now, l learnt Reiki ,set up a room ,thinking reiki is good , its godly -its about healing right ?
paid $500 for advertising for 16 weeks , and did not get 1 client.
I was pretty annoyed and angry .
And I said to Jesus WHY Jesus ?
And He didn’t respond… after listening for word, I heard His silence...............I felt He went away from me .I questioned my actions because if felt like it was wrong. It was holy spirit conviction.
I look back now but back then I thought this nice reiki healing was good for people. Its all demonic. And the Lord didn’t want it in the house. !
I felt to forget about the reiki .I was right .Reiki is an ungodly practice. It is using demons .
In the midst of the attacks I heard a firm but soft voice speak.... “My dear Child”
people tell me you cant hear Jesus speak to you-BALONY!!!!!!
it wasn't Satan leading me out of new age into the arms of Jesus i can assure you. !!!!!
Crisp clear words , very minimal , one or two words. "ITS TIME "
Then the following week I heard...
this strong firm yet gently voice said,
"" shut down ALL your Groups". .
I started to consider it at that point because it felt like who ever was speaking to me , knew me and was showing me something. There was an Authority to it, and it didn't feel like I should not listen. It had a very serious tone.
I had a vision in my mind of all the people I new in new ager and my groups , in the middle of a big white room ,then I saw myself being taken from the centre of the room with all the new agers and put in a corner of the room and the words were spoken.......
2 Timothy 2:19-22
But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”
Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work
It was hard, but I did it because I wanted to follow Jesus ,and I was persecuted by many friends for turning to Christ.
Even after my explaining to try and get them to understand I got BLOCKED ! …and Quite often.
It hurt to lose people id considered a friend.
But God showed me they were not friends or people to associate with anymore.
I closed my Facebook to lose my 800 friends I would never have anything to do with again AND I CLOSED ALL MY GROUPS.
It was turning my new page .
I have no regrets.
After the words SET APART I heard the words SPECIAL PRAYERS
( remember this is all over weeks and months)– I felt He wanted me to do a “specific” prayer .And I found a prayer on the internet a
( deliverance prayer)
I was committed to doing this prayer every morning ,and night .
I prayed to God , is this the prayer i should pray ? I felt like the answer was YES and l told Jesus l would pray until i see change.
On the 3rd day I was delivered . ( delivered means set free from demons)
I literally felt this “thing” lift up and off my neck and shoulder. I felt weird and strange ,like the old me again that I hadn’t been for years. I could see “crisper “through my eyes. Everything looked something was different
something felt good and right .
I felt sad and remorseful , fully convicted of what I had done. Something demonic had left me and i thought to myself..."what on earth was that !!!!
Yes I was delivered and set free.
This is so very common for all people involved in ungodly practices even video games ,yoga and more.
I am not ashamed to say it because I know MANY are WALKING AROUND WITH DEMONS AND THE ANTI CHRIST SPIRIT
Of course they don't know it, they would not even imagine it to be true of themselves. I didn't know I had demons either. Im not ashamed. I liberated by the Grace of Jesus who set me FREE.
If you are involved in any occult practice - you will have them 100% and you need deliverance.
The next words he said was CHURCH- I took that to mean at the time to find a church , yet it could have meant He was telling me I am the Church /part of the church ( BODY OF CHRIST)
Anyhow I did find a church to attend This established me in my faith and gave me the foundation for understanding who Jesus is and His kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom. It made so much sense about ETS. UFOS and how it’s all demonic.
I knew God wanted me here but I knew He said it wouldn’t be forever -I have since left this church ( for the best -too many red flags But Im grateful He has shown me what I needed to learn and He has given me a great gift of discernment )
Then I heard the words FULL SUBMERSION- ( I know people say full immersion but i distinctly remember it as submersion)I heard these words everyday for 3 days …I was confused , what does it mean. I googled it and it came up with full submersion water baptism. So Mick and I did that together. It was so wonderful, and we felt cleansed. It was October at that time I enquired about my Baptism ,and the church leader said there was no more till next year. But God told me NOVEMEBR, NOVEMBER ,NOVEMBER….I told the Pastor and assured me there is NO baptism in November .
I asked him , please check again , a little agitated at my insistence ,and so hesitatingly , he checked the diary, and sure enough they were doing a few in November. I truly believe God wanted it on that day and also to show me for sure that without a doubt 100% God was leading me.
I was overwhelmed with joy that He would want "me "!
I could write so much more but for this testimony, I would like to say Jesus is the TRUTH and The WAY ! There is NO OTHER . Jesus came to set the captives free .
All occult objects ,books , anything new age was burnt in a bonfire !
Everything was cleansed spiritually. We have renounced everything unclean and WE ARE FREE .
NO ETS, ALIENS are (Demonic Impostors) who come to steal , kill and destroy your life , family and well being. I have renounced and broken all curses in the lineage and rebuked all familiar spirits .
I needed to clear the generational curses and familiar spirits which came through my parents , my father’s line -abuse and trauma as well. There is no more Fear or anxiety in daily living.
There is a peace I have never known, and I say this truly.
I walk with the Lord daily , speaking to him all the time - nothing happens in my life without Gods involvement .
I've had many tastes of Gods Blessings along the way.
When I read my own testimony I now cringe - Its like I cannot believe that was me.
The world of occult which combines a spiritual nature without the love of the one True God ( Jesus) . It involves all religious Eastern Practices, New Age ,False Religions, Cults, Alien and ET agenda and it involves a lot of ritualistic based healing ,worship, or practices. Most of the false doctrine includes the belief that we are in a great time of awakening and Ascension , increasing our frequency by mean so our vibration, involves the beliefs of a New Earth , a new Hope of better quality of life for humanity. A belief that all BAD or inhumane acts will be brought to light and justice will be served, hence a release will happen to allow the good to ascend. Some beliefs tell us that the new life will take place on other planets as this will be destroyed and that the Aliens will participate of a 'collection" of humanity.
This is merely the lie that many chose to believe ,and the bible reveals that this is a counterfeit of biblical Truths with much twisting and added deception. Yes in the bible it tells us there will be a harvest on Earth and a New Earth will be established by God and Gods wrath will be poured out on the many souls who are walking in darkness and have not heard the truth of the word of GOD.
Many good people by human standard have believed the lie and can still be part of the New Earth .Understand GOD'S word and GOD'S truth to set you on the right path. Read your Bible !! Don't Have one ? Get one !
When I came to Jesus I threw all those new age books in the fire pit and burnt the lot as they were tarnished with New Age philosophy.
The message Jesus gave me I feel was TRUE , however one can never be totally sure as Satan can masquerade as an Angel of light, I didn't want to take any risk .
If your reading this and don't believe that ETS are demons ...there is a test you can do !
Next time you see one of these ETS ...say to it ..."DO you come in the name of Jesus Christ ?
Jesus Christ is Lord
or Rebuke them in Jesus name
and watch what happens. !!!!"?
They will RUN , they Flee they hate Jesus because they are demons.
Pictures of my ife in the Past as a New Ager. Meeting Dr Emotos Assistant ,Climbing Mt Shasta, Speaking at conferences about Sasquatch and Yowies,Meeting Travis Walton ,Charles Hall, Michael Tellenger ,Orbs and Chrystals.Pictures of creatures.
More videos on deliverance on this link here
Contact me Lee for question at [email protected]
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