Sceance-Demons have knowledge BUT CANNOT BE TRUSTED.
Written by Lee Arne
Founder of New 2 Christ
I was 15 at the time, my friend invited me to a seance ! I was intrigued because I thought we were going to be able to connect with my nan who had dies and I missed her . I wanted to know if she had made it to the heavnely realm.
It was suggested by a highschool friends mother . SHe did sceances often ,so I thought she had good experience and it was safe to do , so long as someone knew what they were doing. SHe was an adult so that automatically made me feel safer than just us kids doing it.
As the day approached I got a bit scared I to be honest .
I think deep down I just knew this wasnt something anyone should do,but then my own Grandmother did them often so I thought ok why not.
I didnt grow up in a Christian home , in fact non were of the faith and some of the extended families were quite disfunctional on both sides.
Out of my entire extended family of say 40 people I am the only Born Again Christian amongst them now ,and my husband.
Its becuase of everything that I have learnt in the past and now know Jesus is the undenyable TRUTH .
So I recall on this evening...we were all ready to begin. Her mum (who I will call Jean) lit the candle and she had a bible there on the table.( I just want to mention here we know what we think are ghosts are actually familiar spirits and a bible is not going to protect you ,when your messing with things that are not of GOD ) but I thought because there was a bible there on the table somehow it made it a sfare expereince... Go Figure!
So we started the seance and they all got answers to the specific questions they asked ( whether or not they were true I couldn't tell you ) then it was my turn .
Supposedly I was talking to my grandmother the one that used to do Seances herself.
She told me that my Aunty was pregnant and she was . I asked ...will it be a girl or boy ? and what is the name going to be..?
The so called spirit said “a Girl”.
I knew my Aunty wanted to call this baby Madeleine. But this Spirit said ...the name will be Ricci . I thought to myself ..aha...this isn't true.She definitely told me she would call this baby Madeleine.
3 months later the baby had been born and when I went to visit Aunty at the hospital . The baby was indeed a girl and in the little cot on wheels and the name tag above said “RICCI”.
At that point i was convinced that that was the spirit of my nan and that she knew all things and the what is said in a Sceance is true.
I assure you after reading my bible and becoming Christian ,these are not spirits of dead loved ones but our familiar spirits ( aka demons) that follow the generation lines in your family and know everything about you ,listening to conversations and watching families closely ( also monitoring spirits)
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, “familiar spirit” refers to a “spirit or demon that serves or prompts an individual.” Another definition is “the spirit of a dead person invoked by a medium to advise or prophesy.”
I dont know these how familiar spirits know such things, however they have good understanding of spiritual things and know things we dont. This is how they can be so utterly convincing to people.
Any occult practices—such as necromancy, witchcraft, Santeria, shamanism, voodoo,spells, divination, and practices of clairvoyance—involve communing with outside spirits. These, as well as others, are gateways for demons to enter the life of the individual practicing the occult.
They know if your sealed with “Gods seal” or not. They will deceive you any way they can. They know your strengths and they know your weaknesses and will target those weaknesses !!!!
Through many people I have worked with I have heard simialar stories that
they often appear at the time of a passing of a dead loved one.Usually within the first month.
The family members may hear their name being called, can often see apparitions of that dead loved one or a photo might fall to the ground,or similar things .
Some people would then say they were trying to make contact. Its easy to be decieved by all of this.
This trap often comes in the form of witchcraft practices—consulting with mediums who have a “familiar spirit”— to gain unforeseen knowledge or power.
This is NOT true and they will deceive you through your grief stricken moments of despair.
Hebrews 9:27 states,
"Just as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." This verse emphasizes the unavoidability of death and the importance of paying attention to Jesus' role as the mediator of a new and eternally lasting covenant.
As Christians, we must stay clear of anything that can potentially open the door for these familiar spirits. This also includes seemingly harmless things , such asbOuija Boards,Scenaces and tarot. We must remember that “we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood here, but against evil rulers ,powers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (see Ephesians 6:12,)
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