Occult Practices Jesus Despised
Occult Practices -Jesus DESPISED !!!
The church of Ephesus had fallen into sin,and Jesus wanted them to return to their first love ( Him )
Jesus hated the Nicolaitians as did the church of Ephesus because the Nicolaitians had mixed
Christianity with Occult and Paganism .
This is what we are seeing IN A LOT OF CHURCH'S today and its unfortunate . As a former New Ager who was bountifully immersed into occultism through ignorance , It really makes my heart sink when I see it in churches today . I am sure this because of ignorance of the people ( not meant as a derogatory term but meaning lack of knowledge )
What we see are Heretical teachings from many churches , slipping into paganism , occult practices with weakened biblical doctrine that focuses more on “ feel good “ or “ emotional experiences “or church goers receiving an "experience"at church.
I see a lot of people attending churches who are supposed to be the *Body of Christ , also doing yoga , hypnotherapy , reading astrology signs , meditation , have crystals and new age gadgets ,and crazy so called christian healing like sozo
( from Bethal) satanic video games , christian books that are not biblical ,horror movies, smoking marajuana , all these things we should not be practicing while we are a Christian . Theres more to that list but just giving an overvue here.
This is a fine line and we must be careful and do our rsearch into all things or it slips us into pagan-Christianity .( which isn’t real , it’s a made up version of idolatry where people create their own idea of who God is , and it’s not the God if the bible folks)
I know a lot of friends are helping to bring awareness like myself to people , but it’s very sad not to see a lot of these churches I speak about here ,speaking up, as well or church elders not keeping track on the flock and teaching them the dangers or ignoring their sheep that do without preaching warning and truth .
Id like to see church leaders pull their church members aside and say "hey ive been informed or Ive observed "and tell them straight up , Give them the clear biblical warnings .
Are they afraid they will lose their patrons?
Its oustounding I think some are they more concerned with numbers and keeping people comfortable,passifying them with lies than telling them or warning them with truth.
In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus tells his disciples to enter through the narrow gate, comparing it to the broad road that leads to destruction.
The narrow gate is difficult and only a few find it.
The way of perdition is broad because it is not contained within the rule of any discipline, but those who walk therein follow whatever pleases them. The way of life is all righteousness and is called narrow for the contrary reasons.
Ok l need to share this one...no mentioning of names or Churches here but at one church I attended ....and I confess at the time I was "Church shopping", ( * said with Humour) because I couldnt find a decent biblical one .
I attended this one church ,when I was searching for a solid biblical based church , ( still didn’t find one in my local area )
In this particular church , a woman aged about 45, seems a very nice lady ,who serves in the committee , and in the prayer group and was an activity leader ,stood up on the podium and spoke a little about something , and then she mentioned she works as a hypnotherapist doing NLP and was promoting this for the church people to come to her as clients .
I though what ? Hold on a minute ?
NLP is Nueral Linguistic Programming via hyspnosis techniques -Retraining the brain in behaviors and thought patterns.
Why do you even need that when you have the Lord ,and his biblical based foundations found in your bible, your Identity in Christ and your Authority in Christ all right there in His word,everything you will ever need to bring about change in yourslef and you have the Holy spirit ,so why would you need NLP ?
No one else said anything ! They didnt batt an eyelid .
We don’t need to reprogram our mind , Jesus renews ours and gives us a new heart !!
Paul Tells us we become a new creation . Isnt this good enough ?
Jesus did warn us !
And then he says to those that obey ….
In Revelation 1:2-7
If you have ears then listen , to what the spirit says to the churches .
To those that win the victory I will give the right to eat the fruit of the tree of life , that grows in the Garden of God .
Pictures of practies of thngs slipping into he churches today . Be wary .
Note- pictures
1- Woman founder of Christ-Alignment,Her son is the Pastor of a 503c Church called "Fire church" -
A lot of these teaching are from Bethal Redding church in California
Here she is Pictured with Charasmatic Leader Todd White
2- Christian Meditation-( NO !)
3. Giving Christian Destiny Tarot card readings . ( Um NO !) Like a psychic reading.
check out the website on these teachings-
4.Her Christian Tarot Cards depicting Jesus Christ (No Graven Images , Idolatry and blasphemous)
5. Christian Yoga ( No such thing)
6. The Founder of Christalignment and her husband standing on the freemason masonic checkered floor.
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