Stop Believing in Chakra's
If you’re going to get your chakras cleansed, you might as well get your aura cleansed as well since neither chakras nor auras exist.
Yet Yoga and its asanas are based on belief in chakras, and many alternative remedies incorporate chakras.
Any reactions or experiences with a belief in chakras are not from the true God. ITS NEW AGE
If you deliberately seek out ways to open, cleanse, balance, or heal chakras, you invite deception and darkness into your life, even as a Christian.
These beliefs dim the true light – the light of Jesus Christ who is utterly hated and opposed by the angelic majesties behind the system teaching chakras.
The chakras are allegedly invisible wheels of energy that start at the base of the spine and ascend to the top of the head (though some do not think the top point is a chakra). Yoga asanas and meditation are supposedly opening and cleansing the chakras for the energy coiled at the base of the spine (Kundalini).
The role of chakras in the raising of the kundalini,( The coiled snake /serpent at the base of the spine) a supposed power coiled at the base of the spine. The serpent is occult and wirchcraft.
I have heard of some Christians who even believe in chakra cleansing and healing.
What is chakra cleansing?
To get an idea, see excerpt below from a site about a workshop on cleansing chakras:
Quote== In this class you will:
– Learn about the functions of each Chakra
– Guided Meditation for cleansing each of your Chakras
– Receive your Healing Crystal for each chakra for FREE
– Cleanse, charge and program your Healing Crystal
– Meet your Healing Crystal and start a healing connection
– Shop Crystals to start your own collection
– Choose a goal you want to bring forth in your life
– Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation with Crystals
– Release obstacles and old patterns to manifest a self-actualized reality!!==From
Advice on healing and balancing chakras goes through each chakra.
For example, for the 2nd chakra, whose color is orange, the advice is:
Quote==Eat orange-coloured foods, such as carrots, oranges and capsicums
Be gentle and kind to yourself
Have a long bath with lots of gorgeous bath oil and candles
Watch some romantic movies (alone or with someone else!)
Celebrate the little achievements in life
Visualise orange pouring into this chakra==From “How to Heal and Balance Chakras” at
You can guess what color of foods you should eat with the next chakra, which is yellow – corn, and go out in the sun (the sun is yellow!).
Could there be a connection with Essential Oils? Yes, there is. Each chakra also is linked to an Essential Oil (or two) and a crystal or two. The 2nd chakra is connected to
Quote==Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Crystals: Moonstone, Carnelian==End quote
So here is another venue for the Essential Oil business to market their wares. As I have pointed out previously, the marketing of Essential Oil as it exists now came from the New Age field of Aromatherapy (note the word “therapy,” which is a red flag when attached to something not medical) which is connected to Bach Flower Remedies, an outgrowth of belief in Vitalism. Vitalism posits a life force in every part of creation and Edward Bach (1846-1936) “espoused the importance of treating ‘the personality of the inner man’ and spoke of ‘the spirit of man.’ The application of flower essences became a way to suffuse this spirit of man with ‘beautiful vibrations of our higher nature’; thus dispelling the disease pattern.” (Quote from CANA article on Energy Beliefs at
Belief in a Vital Life Force and vibrations is at the heart of New Age beliefs and is the basis for most New Age healing. The belief in using crystals to heal is no different from belief in using the life force of plants to heal. (This differs from a scientific and medical investigation and testing of those plants which do have remedial properties, but these properties are limited by the physical aspect and are not connected to a belief in force or vibrations).
Chakras are considered pure energy and stem from the spiritual belief system of Hinduism.
There is no scientific evidence for chakras.
One of CANA’s 5 articles on Yoga (others to the right)
From CANA article on Occult Terms
==Chakras - A Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel' used in Hindu beliefs and practices, such as yoga, to describe what are believed to be the five, six, or seven (depending on the teaching) psychic and spiritual centers of man. The chakras are invisible, and are believed to start at the base of the spine and end in the middle of the forehead. The top of the head is the culmination point for an energy called kundalini which rises through the chakras to the crown of the head through certain meditation and tantric practices. (Some sources which include the crown area state there are seven chakras). A different color is often associated with each chakra, usually red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo/purple, and white for the crown. The kundalini is believed to be a form of divine energy, coiled at the base of the spine like a serpent which can rise through a channel, called the Sushumna, up the chakras, thus bringing a spiritual awakening. It is taught that arousing the kundalini up through the chakras can be dangerous and should be done under the supervision of a teacher or guru. It is also taught that awakening the kundalini may uncover certain psychic powers called Siddhis. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Western views may differ in their teachings on the chakras. Chakras may be equated by mystics and occultists with the spheres from the Kabbalah's Tree of Life. Chakras are often referred to in some New Age meditation practices and philosophies, and in some forms of energy healing, such as Therapeutic Touch. Alternative healing often assumes the existence of chakras and connects ill health to blockages in the chakras.==From
From CANA article on Energy Beliefs
= It is important to understand Vitalism and the concept of a life force or life energy since it is the root of many these beliefs, especially those that claim to heal. Vitalism attributes a divine power to creation instead of to the Creator God, or it views God's power as accessible in creation, or God is seen as the energy or force itself. In all cases, the life force itself replaces God, is identified as God or as the healing power of Christ, or is equated with the Holy Spirit. This force is unquantifiable, invisible, and non-measurable.
The principles of Vitalism match the pagan views of chi, Prana, Kundalini, Mana (energy in pagan Pacific Island cultures), and the forces used in occult healing.
…. The "Vital force" or "life force" is a foundation for the original principles of Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Bach Flower Remedies or Flower Essences, and many other alternative healing modalities. Vitalism was a popular notion in the 1800s and early 1900s and undergirded many alleged purported healing techniques now classified as alternative.==More at
If you’re going to get your chakras cleansed, you might as well get your aura cleansed as well since neither chakras nor auras exist.
Yet Yoga and its asanas are based on belief in chakras, and many alternative remedies incorporate chakras.
Any reactions or experiences with a belief in chakras are not from the true God. ITS NEW AGE
If you deliberately seek out ways to open, cleanse, balance, or heal chakras, you invite deception and darkness into your life, even as a Christian.
These beliefs dim the true light – the light of Jesus Christ who is utterly hated and opposed by the angelic majesties behind the system teaching chakras.
The chakras are allegedly invisible wheels of energy that start at the base of the spine and ascend to the top of the head (though some do not think the top point is a chakra). Yoga asanas and meditation are supposedly opening and cleansing the chakras for the energy coiled at the base of the spine (Kundalini).
The role of chakras in the raising of the kundalini,( The coiled snake /serpent at the base of the spine) a supposed power coiled at the base of the spine. The serpent is occult and wirchcraft.
I have heard of some Christians who even believe in chakra cleansing and healing.
What is chakra cleansing?
To get an idea, see excerpt below from a site about a workshop on cleansing chakras:
Quote== In this class you will:
– Learn about the functions of each Chakra
– Guided Meditation for cleansing each of your Chakras
– Receive your Healing Crystal for each chakra for FREE
– Cleanse, charge and program your Healing Crystal
– Meet your Healing Crystal and start a healing connection
– Shop Crystals to start your own collection
– Choose a goal you want to bring forth in your life
– Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation with Crystals
– Release obstacles and old patterns to manifest a self-actualized reality!!==From
Advice on healing and balancing chakras goes through each chakra.
For example, for the 2nd chakra, whose color is orange, the advice is:
Quote==Eat orange-coloured foods, such as carrots, oranges and capsicums
Be gentle and kind to yourself
Have a long bath with lots of gorgeous bath oil and candles
Watch some romantic movies (alone or with someone else!)
Celebrate the little achievements in life
Visualise orange pouring into this chakra==From “How to Heal and Balance Chakras” at
You can guess what color of foods you should eat with the next chakra, which is yellow – corn, and go out in the sun (the sun is yellow!).
Could there be a connection with Essential Oils? Yes, there is. Each chakra also is linked to an Essential Oil (or two) and a crystal or two. The 2nd chakra is connected to
Quote==Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Crystals: Moonstone, Carnelian==End quote
So here is another venue for the Essential Oil business to market their wares. As I have pointed out previously, the marketing of Essential Oil as it exists now came from the New Age field of Aromatherapy (note the word “therapy,” which is a red flag when attached to something not medical) which is connected to Bach Flower Remedies, an outgrowth of belief in Vitalism. Vitalism posits a life force in every part of creation and Edward Bach (1846-1936) “espoused the importance of treating ‘the personality of the inner man’ and spoke of ‘the spirit of man.’ The application of flower essences became a way to suffuse this spirit of man with ‘beautiful vibrations of our higher nature’; thus dispelling the disease pattern.” (Quote from CANA article on Energy Beliefs at
Belief in a Vital Life Force and vibrations is at the heart of New Age beliefs and is the basis for most New Age healing. The belief in using crystals to heal is no different from belief in using the life force of plants to heal. (This differs from a scientific and medical investigation and testing of those plants which do have remedial properties, but these properties are limited by the physical aspect and are not connected to a belief in force or vibrations).
Chakras are considered pure energy and stem from the spiritual belief system of Hinduism.
There is no scientific evidence for chakras.
One of CANA’s 5 articles on Yoga (others to the right)
From CANA article on Occult Terms
==Chakras - A Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel' used in Hindu beliefs and practices, such as yoga, to describe what are believed to be the five, six, or seven (depending on the teaching) psychic and spiritual centers of man. The chakras are invisible, and are believed to start at the base of the spine and end in the middle of the forehead. The top of the head is the culmination point for an energy called kundalini which rises through the chakras to the crown of the head through certain meditation and tantric practices. (Some sources which include the crown area state there are seven chakras). A different color is often associated with each chakra, usually red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo/purple, and white for the crown. The kundalini is believed to be a form of divine energy, coiled at the base of the spine like a serpent which can rise through a channel, called the Sushumna, up the chakras, thus bringing a spiritual awakening. It is taught that arousing the kundalini up through the chakras can be dangerous and should be done under the supervision of a teacher or guru. It is also taught that awakening the kundalini may uncover certain psychic powers called Siddhis. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Western views may differ in their teachings on the chakras. Chakras may be equated by mystics and occultists with the spheres from the Kabbalah's Tree of Life. Chakras are often referred to in some New Age meditation practices and philosophies, and in some forms of energy healing, such as Therapeutic Touch. Alternative healing often assumes the existence of chakras and connects ill health to blockages in the chakras.==From
From CANA article on Energy Beliefs
= It is important to understand Vitalism and the concept of a life force or life energy since it is the root of many these beliefs, especially those that claim to heal. Vitalism attributes a divine power to creation instead of to the Creator God, or it views God's power as accessible in creation, or God is seen as the energy or force itself. In all cases, the life force itself replaces God, is identified as God or as the healing power of Christ, or is equated with the Holy Spirit. This force is unquantifiable, invisible, and non-measurable.
The principles of Vitalism match the pagan views of chi, Prana, Kundalini, Mana (energy in pagan Pacific Island cultures), and the forces used in occult healing.
…. The "Vital force" or "life force" is a foundation for the original principles of Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Bach Flower Remedies or Flower Essences, and many other alternative healing modalities. Vitalism was a popular notion in the 1800s and early 1900s and undergirded many alleged purported healing techniques now classified as alternative.==More at
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