My own personal notes to read from in an interview
- Alien Abduction
-My research reveals....
- Alien Abduction
-My research reveals....
Alien Abduction Interview
Having worked as a secular Counsellor previously
I specialised in ( Mental Health , Trauma, Bereavment )
and on a side line I was counselling with many
traumatic Alien Abduction cases ,
As well as being a Regression Hypnotherapist I also ran ,
Alien Abduction Experiencer support Groups
for those that were having Abduction experiences and at
the time I was having those experiences myself.
Thats what lead me to Counsel the experiencer becuase
I wanted to help, but their experiences
were also great subjects for my own research
into this strange phenomena.
I no longer do Hypnotherapy but I still Counsel
many but now Im sitting in a different seat so
to speak.
Now I have all the right tools and information
that I learned through having dealt with my own
Alien experiences, counselling others
and a deeper understanding of the true
spiritual nature of the experiences.
Of course time reveals
many truths when your searching for the answers.
In those days when i was having experiences
myself and also researching Id have to say it was
one of the most interesting times in my
life both in a positive and in a negative way
however more so negative. I had a lot of spiritual
warfare involved.
I found the work and research
involved with people who were dealing with the
alien abduction phenomena fascinating
and "eye opening". There are many things we dont
understand as humans in our physical world and
when you start to understand the
TRUE spiritual nature of things ,
then things become more clear.
From a secular Counselling point of view ,
there was nothing you could do to help these people
UNLESS you have the knowledge that I have NOW .
but Unfortunately I didn't have that knowledge then.
Jesus said to the disciples"if you dont understand worldy things
how can you understand spiritual things"???
Well this is true for this as well.
These Aliens are demonic entities disguising themselves as
beings from distant galaxies....and they are NOT your friend
no matter what they tell you.
After my own personal Experiences with this
Phenomena, and i was delivered through Jesus Christ,
l started the Misistry
website and began mentoring many
people to help them come to the realization
that this phenomena is NOT not what people
are usually alluding too.
In fact many have
been deceived with the works of the enemy.
I also believe that you cannot fully understand
the complexity of this phenomena unless you have
experienced it yourself .
Many have laughed mocked and scoffed at people having these
encounters thinking they are whackos ,
but unless YOU have experienced it -you will not
fully understand it .And it is a real thing, its not in
peoples head.
Why else would they wake up with bruises
and scratches and scars on their body if it was ALL in their head.
This isnt secret Knowledge,................ In fact all
the answers are all there ,
you just have to know where to find it, and to
understand what your dealing with.
The subject matter is deeply complex and
convuluted ,and I do NOT believe anybody
regarding this Phenomena ,after all , its
preternatural and we cannot not
possible know how all those matters work or
the big question WHY IS IT HAPPENING?
Can we stop it -YES
Can I help you -YES
Does it work for ALL -NO
What has been found through the research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:
1. You asked for it or you opened that spiritual door-
2. You did it unknowingly through words or actions-
3. Its a Generational thing -
When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents.
These experiences often reflect through the generations.
It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY spiritual covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.
THE EVIDENCE -The evidence is found with many Alien Abduction experiencer testimonials.
How many does it take to see that this is a real event?
Questions you must continue to ask.
The Great UFO and ALIEN Deception
There are many UFO and Alien Enthusiasts around
the world that have fallen for a grand deception
on a massive scale. They believe that the either
all Et's or many races of Et's are here to
save humanity from destruction from themselves .
Many people are worshiping them and opening
trying either to contact them or communicate
with them .
these people use various modalities to contact
these entities.
A CE5 is a common method people use as
a pathway for a physical sighting or contact.
Humans consciously or practically participate
in contact initiation rituals, which can involve
the use of lasers to zap the UAPs, which in
turn often the space craft will signal back
by getting larger and brighter .
They also use these
contact apps on a mobile phone which uses
a selection of frequencies and tones to attract
the space crafts.( steven Greer)
Sometimes Music , chanting
and meditation is used. there is also other
methods which involves specified techniques
which is a combination of remote viewing
and meditation together, in an attempt for
them to 'read your mind" to where you
want them to land.
They all believe as they have been "told"
by Aliens via occult channeling and telepathic
communications that the star beings are
the creators of all humans and we are a
hybrid race. Many "Star-seeds"
( human of supposed ET origin)
as they like to be called believe the great lie ,
and this takes them away from the one
TRUE God and on an "eternal"path of
=Remember the bible says Matt 7 :14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the way that
leads to life, and only a few find it.
The so called Alien races
are nothing more than soulless demonic
entities ( fallen Angels) masquerading
as many different kinds of supposed ET
races. They are Inter dimensional ,can
manifest as solid physical forms and take
the shape of anything they desire ( they shape
shifting abilities).All the more to deceive you.
The grand plan is yet to appear , however the
signs and wonders have already appear
in our skies for millennia.
The UAP's ( Unidentified Arial Phenomena
or UFO;s ) have been seen by people on
many occasions and this is nothing new
under the sun.The visitations by entities
usually at night is also a common occurrence.
Many who worship these beings as gods or
star family believe that soon many space
craft will arrive and remove them from the
destruction of the planet and its inhabitants
and take them to a new dimension , a 5th
dimension density and a new earth .
believe in order to "ascend"to this 5th
dimension via the UFO taxi cabs they must
raise their vibrational frequency to a higher
accelerated level or else they will be left behind.
Now doesn't that sound like a twisted version
on a Rapture scenario and Gods real promise
of a new earth for His children?
My research into the Alien Abduction Phenomena and what it reveals
I divided the ET contact into 2 categories
of people who experience them.
1. The “Experiencer”
is a term which is widely used more
predominantly for people who have a
positive experience with so called
extra-terrestrial beings.
2. “Alien Abductee”
is a term more predominantly used
for people who experience a malevolent,
supposed Extra-terrestrial being.
Many still believe we are dealing with Physical
Extra-Terrestrial beings,from other planets and
galaxies ,....there has also been footage on youtube
from time to time showing what looks like Aliens ...
the typical grays etc......however there has been no
hard-physical evidence or proof to the public so far
that one or any have existed, even though many
times the experiencer can see what looks like an
Alien creature.
Now I keep an open mind to the possibility of these
beings "' appearing as physical" as I know my
husband saw one in the physical which made his
body vibrate and I know He also experienced what
he thought was the Alien Grey in his room on a few
occasions, and I believe him 100% and I keep an
open mind that is a true experience for those people
and not some sort of mental delusion or psychosis.
I believe the entities are NOT Extra-Terrestrial biological entities
from other stars, planets or galaxies, but rather
interdimensional spiritual entities in their nature
....and are demonic in the entirety of their being
even though many present themselves to be a benevolent being.
I also believe they have supernatural abilities to
cross the veil at their will, and if they are summoned.
And they do and have come to those who
summon or conjure them .SO you better watch
out what you ask for.
Its my belief that they have what we would
call shape shifting abilities to present in how
ever they want YOU to perceive them.
In otherwords -These entities can be or
appear as anything to deceive you .
They are masters of manipulation and
deception having been here a very long
time ,and have super inteligence and
supernatural powers and capabilities.
Remember that these entities are "imposters"
for being represented as Benevolent.
I do believe there is some physicality
to these experiences based on my own
experiences and what I have seen
.Let me explain -
EVen though they are spiritual entities
they can appear to be "physical" however
this doesnt always mean "flesh and Blood".
It means they can manifest into our realm
and appear physical - this is also very evident
with the entity we know as sasquatch, as some
refer to it as an alien being as well . And also
when people see a ghost that looks solid
however its not-It is not flesh and blood
- its a deception.
As my research and my own experiences
prove , all of it can be stopped without
any returning experiences afterward
(*with the exception of some cases due to their own misgivings).
This research has provided much evidence to
suggest we are not dealing with
" Extra-Terrestrial beings" but rather an
"interdimensional entities " in the disguise of such.
They often appear in ways to appease YOU.
Maybe its part of the ways they
"suck you into their game" for lack of a better word .
If you were searching for Sasquatch, then
that’s what you’re most likely to see.
If you are an Alien Abductee that has
an affection for blonde women , then
you’re most likely to have an abduction
experiences involving what would resemble a Pleiadian woman.
They present to you in such a way to
manipulate you and your mind to accept
this deception ....
During my research....I found.
At the time I did believe in Hypnotic regression
but i saw a lot of inconsistancies that led me to question
the validity of hypnosis .
.I could see that Hypnosis and human memories
were not a solid resource to rely upon and it was
clear the memories could be different over time
or could indeed be complete false memories
Its like recalling a dream that you can only remember a few
parts and you fill in the blanks with what you might think happened.
How then could we stand firm in what we see or hear as evidence ?
I know for a fact, that one leading Hypnotherapist
working with Alien Abduction Phenomena would
accept ALL realities as truth for the experiencer.
Now that leaves a gaping hole if some of those
experiences were not even true.
But in my opinion there can only really ever be
only one REAL truth to what’s really going on in this phenomena.
And I dont think anyone has ever really come to a full understanding of
everything thats going on here including myself, however, We do know for
a fact that we can help people and they can be free of this _if they
understand the spiritual nature of what they are dealing with and understand
the changes that they need to make for this to workfor them
Indeed Alien Abduction is a true and very real experience for them.
No one is denying this and certainly not me.
However, is it a true REALITY, or is it a True DECEPTION by these entitles ?
On deeper exploration of the Alien phenomena through Clients,
I became intrigued by certain things during sessions
and I really started to see parallels in cases.
My standard procedure before Hypnosis would be
to have a consultation, then the Regression session,
then to do a review with the client. All up it was about 3 hours’ time.
Compiling all the notes together
id like to share my research what my clients would tell me
The abductees would report the following incidents
these situations were viewed by my clients in their words as stressful or agitating
On that list we have
video by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot who interviewed
George Green ( has a background in Science and the
Aerospace industry) He said the following while discussing
the idea of cloning and synthetics ( meaning fabricated
cloned people)he says this knowledge was given to the
govern-ment by the grays.( now if you think of the
grays/aliens as fallen angels who want to destroy
Gods kingdom and the true "Creator"the only one
living true God by replicating human life/creation)
He goes on to state that they make people by
using only 2 cells from your body ,them using a
small electrical charge , it acts as a fertilized egg.
They were implanting the fetuses in human woman
who were programmed through hypnosis to believe
that they were being invaded by aliens and they
were Alien Abductees.
After about 14 weeks these fetuses were then
taken from them as they started their own blood supply.....
so my point is the Alien abduction side of it and what he said.
I cannot claim what he says it the truth ,however like
i said its very complex
this scenario sounds like an MK Ultra programming
and it links into the Alien Abduction experience.
Is it possible> Well the more l have learnt it seems
possible-There is so much hidden from us from the powers that be.
Why do some people see Military involved in their experience ?
Something to think about..
If the Abduction experience would be perceived
as neutral,by the experiencer ,its interesting to
note that in some cases the client while recalling
the experience would often show many signs
of Agitation, Anger, Frustration, Fear, Confusion,
Pain, Tears, Terror and Torment
which was conflicting with how they saw their
overall experiences which they perceived as
good or neutral
Often one person’s number of experiences
could have been both benevolent and malevolent
experiences overall.
Often the terrifying experiences would come
much later in time almost as if there was a
earlier time of settling them in, or similar to
a grooming of the experiencer.
These associated emotions were presented the
client and they felt a natural propensity to
“accept” these feelings inflicted by the
entities rather than reject what was presented.
It is noted that even though the experiencer,
in most cases, could show signs of agitated states,
they would see themselves as willing participants
in such procedures they endured after the entities
had coerced them into submitting.
The entities enticed them with words, often
through a telepathic form of communication,
stating they would be “ok and unharmed”
no matter how painful the procedure was.
With one client she didnt comply to what they wanted her to
do . They wanted her to accept that they were the true god.
When she said NO your not ....they changed there demeaner
to that of their true nature ( a demonic entity) and started to
countdown from 10-1 .She believed that at One, she would
have been blown apart.It was a very real scenario for her
and it only stopped becuase she called upon the name of Jesus
to help her.
You can see that that video on my youtube channel .-under the heading AMANDA
Often these negative encounter experiences would be
brushed off by those that had them,as if it was a one off thing.
and even not shared or spoken about with peers as it would
be perceived that their vibration is low ,and they are attracting
negative entities or have an “attachment.”
Ive heard this many times in the new age movement.
These are very NEW AGE terms used frequently for anything negative.
You can see clearly that the choice of their wording
has very New Age connotations like “vibration and Frequency.”
This was quite perplexing to me and duly noted.
These things were also noted by other Alien Abduction
Researchers Like Dr Karla Turner PHD.
So when i studied their cases and looked closely I noticed a few things
When prompted that even the experiments were painful to them, I would ask why they would submit and persist?
Some clients would claim-
Researchers Like Dr Karla Turner PHD.
under a “hypnotic spell”
“mind control programming.”?????
The Abductee’s seemed to be very compliant and
subservient to these entities. For the most part the
personality types of the people abducted were very
"empathic",which often would result in them showing
feeling or sympathizing with the entities.
Questions we need to ask ourselves .....................Could
these “empathic” people ( the alien abductee ) be
more easily manipulated ?
Could they show more “empathy ‘ to help humanity ,
when they are shown images of Impending Doom
upon the earth, people injured and war like scenarios ?
Often people who have great empathy ,have often had
serious traumatic situation in their lives and as a result
of their own trauma they can empathized quite uniquely
because they understand pain. So when these so called
aliens implant ideas of impending doom the experiencer
naturally empathizes and submits to anything that will
keep that doom from happening, particularly if they
are told they are part of this mission for humanity.
This brings to mind a similar situation to Stockholm
Syndrome (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in
which hostages develop a psychological bond with
their captors during captivity.
Emotional bonds may
be formed between captors and captives, during
intimate time together, but these are generally
considered irrational in light of the danger or risk
endured by the victims)
So now id like to share a list with you of what the Experiencer Believes and that includes some of those that have had negative experiences as well.
very little to actually help the person.
In many cases it would lead to frustration,
in particularly to those under spiritual warfare
attack. It also could exacerbate Confusion,
Depression and Anxiety in the experiencer,
especially those looking for relief, and most
of all to those who want to STOP the
abduction and sleep paralysis experiences
It is not uncommon that any support
groups of this nature would experience
spiritual warfare in groups and some
even feel to be “targeted” or known as
a targeted individual. This seems to
take Spiritual Warfare to a whole new level.
Most often the reasons they would want
to come to these Alien Abduction support groups is –
prior coming to Jesus and understanding
these entities are not what people think they are.
They are actually demonic .
Through the contact support groups it
was evident there was little you could
do to help them.
From a secular point of view you certainly
couldn’t make it stop. No amount of burning
sage in the atmosphere is going to make
these entities go away.
The only solace for the contactee’s was to
give them a space to be heard and not
scrutinized or belittled.And thats nice
however they need more !
But the people with Trauma and PTSD
would have to live with these experiencing
because the right knowledge isn’t known
to them or they just dismiss it because
it mentions the name of “Jesus.”
I want to make a point loud and clear
that if the mentioning of the name of
JESUS is powerful enough to make
those so-called “Aliens” flee,
then they are NOT Aliens .
They are demonic entities. Demons.
They will flee and instantaneously
dissolve right before your eyes, with the name of JESUS.
And The bible tells us to test ALL SPIRITS. When the
ALiens are "tested" they simply vanish .
HOSEA 4:6 — My people perish through lack of knowledge
1 JOHN 4:1–Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Some experiencers groups are even promoting
the very thing that opens the spiritual doorways
to bring these entities in to begin within the first place
though occult practices and modalities .
These groups have people with high credentials in
the Space, Scientific and Professional Medical fields,
to give a seemingly Authoritarian Authentic approach
to the UFO Alien agenda in what they are sharing with
their audience.
It all sounds good and professional but they
dont know the truth
and they are opening up thousands of people
to spiritual warfare.
Some of those contact modalities these groups
promote are listed here-
Ce5, Ce6 which is defined as a new category
of Close Encounters,
CE6- defined by contact as a conscious,
integrated experience, OBE’s, Astral Projection
, Puja ceremonies , Meditation, Changeling,
Mediumship, Table tipping, Ouija boards,
automatic writing, and you name it.
They encourage it and they promote it.
So people please be aware.
Take heed and let no one deceive you, as I once was too.
1 TIMOTHY 4:1–Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
I found Jesus and found that He is the only truth
that makes this phenomena stop completely ,
unless you enjoy this and want this in your life.
Jesus can make such a great difference to
your life, and to make the
Alien Abduction Phenomena STOP.
Its been tried and tested over and over again with
hundreds of testimonies as prove it works.
new2 christ will give you all the tools and we have RESCUE REMEDY
step by step action plan and we have an extensive questionnaire for anyone
who is battling the demonic ,be it alien abduction,
spiritual warefare, sleep paralysis, occult, new age .
I hope by sharing a bit about me you can come
to know us as a “specialized” support Ministry
for these specific Alien Abduction encounters
and coming out of Occult and New Age.
It has been my greatest pleasure to help
people with these types of unusual encounters .
God clearly has his hand in everything we do,
and all our needs are met accordingly by the grace of God.
I would like to leave on this note.
Its isn’t just about getting out of the mess ,Occult ,
New Age, Aliens and UfO’s.
Its so much more than that. In fact everything
I have come to know is really all about the same thing.
All the world wars, the battles, the politics ,the life battles
we face daily and the dramas, it all is about the same thing.
If you’re on this earth at this time, we are all in a
spiritual battle and everyone living on this earth
is a part of that battle whether you know that now or not.
The devil roams around like a roaring lion seeking
who he will devour. It’s a battle against Satan for your
mind and your soul. And he comes to steal, Kill, and Destroy!
And we need to watch out for our kids, who are brainwashed
in the educations systems, by the idiot box (the tv) the music,
the celebrities – it’s everywhere!
All things leading to Their new world and NOT the one we want any part of!!
It’s all about humans, our free will and of course
what we are going to choose. There will be a time
not too far away, that everyone is going to have make a choice.
It’s between Good and Evil. The Light and the Dark. Jesus or Satan.
Jesus is the TRUTH !!!
Man says show me and I will believe,
But Gods says believe me ….and I will show you.
Please choose wisely, your eternal soul depends on it.
Jesus can give you salvation, and eternal life. It’s a simple step. It really is.
Just give your life to Jesus, ask Him, talk to Him,
tell Him you need Him in your life TODAY.
Jesus is NOT religion.
It was the religious that killed Him and persecuted him.
It is a “relationship.”
Call out to him.
Tell Him you choose HIM!
Repent for all your sins and you are forgiven by Him.
It could be your last day today and there are no guarantees about tomorrow.
Please don’t wait.
Thank you for having me on your show.
Having worked as a secular Counsellor previously
I specialised in ( Mental Health , Trauma, Bereavment )
and on a side line I was counselling with many
traumatic Alien Abduction cases ,
As well as being a Regression Hypnotherapist I also ran ,
Alien Abduction Experiencer support Groups
for those that were having Abduction experiences and at
the time I was having those experiences myself.
Thats what lead me to Counsel the experiencer becuase
I wanted to help, but their experiences
were also great subjects for my own research
into this strange phenomena.
I no longer do Hypnotherapy but I still Counsel
many but now Im sitting in a different seat so
to speak.
Now I have all the right tools and information
that I learned through having dealt with my own
Alien experiences, counselling others
and a deeper understanding of the true
spiritual nature of the experiences.
Of course time reveals
many truths when your searching for the answers.
In those days when i was having experiences
myself and also researching Id have to say it was
one of the most interesting times in my
life both in a positive and in a negative way
however more so negative. I had a lot of spiritual
warfare involved.
I found the work and research
involved with people who were dealing with the
alien abduction phenomena fascinating
and "eye opening". There are many things we dont
understand as humans in our physical world and
when you start to understand the
TRUE spiritual nature of things ,
then things become more clear.
From a secular Counselling point of view ,
there was nothing you could do to help these people
UNLESS you have the knowledge that I have NOW .
but Unfortunately I didn't have that knowledge then.
Jesus said to the disciples"if you dont understand worldy things
how can you understand spiritual things"???
Well this is true for this as well.
These Aliens are demonic entities disguising themselves as
beings from distant galaxies....and they are NOT your friend
no matter what they tell you.
After my own personal Experiences with this
Phenomena, and i was delivered through Jesus Christ,
l started the Misistry
website and began mentoring many
people to help them come to the realization
that this phenomena is NOT not what people
are usually alluding too.
In fact many have
been deceived with the works of the enemy.
I also believe that you cannot fully understand
the complexity of this phenomena unless you have
experienced it yourself .
Many have laughed mocked and scoffed at people having these
encounters thinking they are whackos ,
but unless YOU have experienced it -you will not
fully understand it .And it is a real thing, its not in
peoples head.
Why else would they wake up with bruises
and scratches and scars on their body if it was ALL in their head.
This isnt secret Knowledge,................ In fact all
the answers are all there ,
you just have to know where to find it, and to
understand what your dealing with.
The subject matter is deeply complex and
convuluted ,and I do NOT believe anybody
regarding this Phenomena ,after all , its
preternatural and we cannot not
possible know how all those matters work or
the big question WHY IS IT HAPPENING?
Can we stop it -YES
Can I help you -YES
Does it work for ALL -NO
What has been found through the research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:
1. You asked for it or you opened that spiritual door-
2. You did it unknowingly through words or actions-
3. Its a Generational thing -
When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents.
These experiences often reflect through the generations.
It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY spiritual covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.
THE EVIDENCE -The evidence is found with many Alien Abduction experiencer testimonials.
How many does it take to see that this is a real event?
Questions you must continue to ask.
The Great UFO and ALIEN Deception
There are many UFO and Alien Enthusiasts around
the world that have fallen for a grand deception
on a massive scale. They believe that the either
all Et's or many races of Et's are here to
save humanity from destruction from themselves .
Many people are worshiping them and opening
trying either to contact them or communicate
with them .
these people use various modalities to contact
these entities.
A CE5 is a common method people use as
a pathway for a physical sighting or contact.
Humans consciously or practically participate
in contact initiation rituals, which can involve
the use of lasers to zap the UAPs, which in
turn often the space craft will signal back
by getting larger and brighter .
They also use these
contact apps on a mobile phone which uses
a selection of frequencies and tones to attract
the space crafts.( steven Greer)
Sometimes Music , chanting
and meditation is used. there is also other
methods which involves specified techniques
which is a combination of remote viewing
and meditation together, in an attempt for
them to 'read your mind" to where you
want them to land.
They all believe as they have been "told"
by Aliens via occult channeling and telepathic
communications that the star beings are
the creators of all humans and we are a
hybrid race. Many "Star-seeds"
( human of supposed ET origin)
as they like to be called believe the great lie ,
and this takes them away from the one
TRUE God and on an "eternal"path of
=Remember the bible says Matt 7 :14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the way that
leads to life, and only a few find it.
The so called Alien races
are nothing more than soulless demonic
entities ( fallen Angels) masquerading
as many different kinds of supposed ET
races. They are Inter dimensional ,can
manifest as solid physical forms and take
the shape of anything they desire ( they shape
shifting abilities).All the more to deceive you.
The grand plan is yet to appear , however the
signs and wonders have already appear
in our skies for millennia.
The UAP's ( Unidentified Arial Phenomena
or UFO;s ) have been seen by people on
many occasions and this is nothing new
under the sun.The visitations by entities
usually at night is also a common occurrence.
Many who worship these beings as gods or
star family believe that soon many space
craft will arrive and remove them from the
destruction of the planet and its inhabitants
and take them to a new dimension , a 5th
dimension density and a new earth .
believe in order to "ascend"to this 5th
dimension via the UFO taxi cabs they must
raise their vibrational frequency to a higher
accelerated level or else they will be left behind.
Now doesn't that sound like a twisted version
on a Rapture scenario and Gods real promise
of a new earth for His children?
My research into the Alien Abduction Phenomena and what it reveals
I divided the ET contact into 2 categories
of people who experience them.
1. The “Experiencer”
is a term which is widely used more
predominantly for people who have a
positive experience with so called
extra-terrestrial beings.
2. “Alien Abductee”
is a term more predominantly used
for people who experience a malevolent,
supposed Extra-terrestrial being.
Many still believe we are dealing with Physical
Extra-Terrestrial beings,from other planets and
galaxies ,....there has also been footage on youtube
from time to time showing what looks like Aliens ...
the typical grays etc......however there has been no
hard-physical evidence or proof to the public so far
that one or any have existed, even though many
times the experiencer can see what looks like an
Alien creature.
Now I keep an open mind to the possibility of these
beings "' appearing as physical" as I know my
husband saw one in the physical which made his
body vibrate and I know He also experienced what
he thought was the Alien Grey in his room on a few
occasions, and I believe him 100% and I keep an
open mind that is a true experience for those people
and not some sort of mental delusion or psychosis.
I believe the entities are NOT Extra-Terrestrial biological entities
from other stars, planets or galaxies, but rather
interdimensional spiritual entities in their nature
....and are demonic in the entirety of their being
even though many present themselves to be a benevolent being.
I also believe they have supernatural abilities to
cross the veil at their will, and if they are summoned.
And they do and have come to those who
summon or conjure them .SO you better watch
out what you ask for.
Its my belief that they have what we would
call shape shifting abilities to present in how
ever they want YOU to perceive them.
In otherwords -These entities can be or
appear as anything to deceive you .
They are masters of manipulation and
deception having been here a very long
time ,and have super inteligence and
supernatural powers and capabilities.
Remember that these entities are "imposters"
for being represented as Benevolent.
I do believe there is some physicality
to these experiences based on my own
experiences and what I have seen
.Let me explain -
EVen though they are spiritual entities
they can appear to be "physical" however
this doesnt always mean "flesh and Blood".
It means they can manifest into our realm
and appear physical - this is also very evident
with the entity we know as sasquatch, as some
refer to it as an alien being as well . And also
when people see a ghost that looks solid
however its not-It is not flesh and blood
- its a deception.
As my research and my own experiences
prove , all of it can be stopped without
any returning experiences afterward
(*with the exception of some cases due to their own misgivings).
This research has provided much evidence to
suggest we are not dealing with
" Extra-Terrestrial beings" but rather an
"interdimensional entities " in the disguise of such.
They often appear in ways to appease YOU.
Maybe its part of the ways they
"suck you into their game" for lack of a better word .
If you were searching for Sasquatch, then
that’s what you’re most likely to see.
If you are an Alien Abductee that has
an affection for blonde women , then
you’re most likely to have an abduction
experiences involving what would resemble a Pleiadian woman.
They present to you in such a way to
manipulate you and your mind to accept
this deception ....
During my research....I found.
At the time I did believe in Hypnotic regression
but i saw a lot of inconsistancies that led me to question
the validity of hypnosis .
.I could see that Hypnosis and human memories
were not a solid resource to rely upon and it was
clear the memories could be different over time
or could indeed be complete false memories
Its like recalling a dream that you can only remember a few
parts and you fill in the blanks with what you might think happened.
How then could we stand firm in what we see or hear as evidence ?
I know for a fact, that one leading Hypnotherapist
working with Alien Abduction Phenomena would
accept ALL realities as truth for the experiencer.
Now that leaves a gaping hole if some of those
experiences were not even true.
But in my opinion there can only really ever be
only one REAL truth to what’s really going on in this phenomena.
And I dont think anyone has ever really come to a full understanding of
everything thats going on here including myself, however, We do know for
a fact that we can help people and they can be free of this _if they
understand the spiritual nature of what they are dealing with and understand
the changes that they need to make for this to workfor them
Indeed Alien Abduction is a true and very real experience for them.
No one is denying this and certainly not me.
However, is it a true REALITY, or is it a True DECEPTION by these entitles ?
On deeper exploration of the Alien phenomena through Clients,
I became intrigued by certain things during sessions
and I really started to see parallels in cases.
My standard procedure before Hypnosis would be
to have a consultation, then the Regression session,
then to do a review with the client. All up it was about 3 hours’ time.
Compiling all the notes together
id like to share my research what my clients would tell me
The abductees would report the following incidents
these situations were viewed by my clients in their words as stressful or agitating
On that list we have
- DNA collection
- Excruciating examinations & Procedures-often leaving the body with physical evidence or scarring.
- Receiving physical deposits of materials within the body or they would call them “implants”
- Taking samples of skin, hair, semen, etc
- Sexual encounters with Entities (Male and Female entitles from so called ET races some which included commonly known Pleiadian, Reptilian Mantid beings or other Grotesque type figures and the more sexual natured entites commonly known as Inccubus and Succubus)
- A variety of different entities could present at the one time – Some the clients would say they even manifest in The Hypnosis session on the day and would say they are present beside them .It was experienced by myself and often when this happened their would be a sudden drop in temparature of the room OR we would here a noise in the room , like a pop or a knock ,which seemed difficult to locate at the time.
- Uniformed Military presence , in the abduction experience
- Visitations ,Dreams or visions by Hybrid type beings, babies and children
- Leaving the body (Out of Body Experiences)
- The removal of clothing ( often naked) sometimes the clothing would be put back on however it was inside out or back to front.
- Puzzles or tests to be performed by the abducted experiencer. Often with other children or adults or some times a school like setting.
- They were told or to be ransomed to perform tasks before your allowed to “go home” .
- Visions of Impending doom and destruction of the earth ( often in the form of a screen or projected image)
- Missing fetuses usually removed at 13-14 weeks and leaves an empty womb.
- Remember these experiences have many layers
- to explore and is very complex and convoluted
- and we cant just pluck an answer unless we look at every angle
video by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot who interviewed
George Green ( has a background in Science and the
Aerospace industry) He said the following while discussing
the idea of cloning and synthetics ( meaning fabricated
cloned people)he says this knowledge was given to the
govern-ment by the grays.( now if you think of the
grays/aliens as fallen angels who want to destroy
Gods kingdom and the true "Creator"the only one
living true God by replicating human life/creation)
He goes on to state that they make people by
using only 2 cells from your body ,them using a
small electrical charge , it acts as a fertilized egg.
They were implanting the fetuses in human woman
who were programmed through hypnosis to believe
that they were being invaded by aliens and they
were Alien Abductees.
After about 14 weeks these fetuses were then
taken from them as they started their own blood supply.....
so my point is the Alien abduction side of it and what he said.
I cannot claim what he says it the truth ,however like
i said its very complex
this scenario sounds like an MK Ultra programming
and it links into the Alien Abduction experience.
Is it possible> Well the more l have learnt it seems
possible-There is so much hidden from us from the powers that be.
Why do some people see Military involved in their experience ?
Something to think about..
If the Abduction experience would be perceived
as neutral,by the experiencer ,its interesting to
note that in some cases the client while recalling
the experience would often show many signs
of Agitation, Anger, Frustration, Fear, Confusion,
Pain, Tears, Terror and Torment
which was conflicting with how they saw their
overall experiences which they perceived as
good or neutral
Often one person’s number of experiences
could have been both benevolent and malevolent
experiences overall.
Often the terrifying experiences would come
much later in time almost as if there was a
earlier time of settling them in, or similar to
a grooming of the experiencer.
These associated emotions were presented the
client and they felt a natural propensity to
“accept” these feelings inflicted by the
entities rather than reject what was presented.
It is noted that even though the experiencer,
in most cases, could show signs of agitated states,
they would see themselves as willing participants
in such procedures they endured after the entities
had coerced them into submitting.
The entities enticed them with words, often
through a telepathic form of communication,
stating they would be “ok and unharmed”
no matter how painful the procedure was.
With one client she didnt comply to what they wanted her to
do . They wanted her to accept that they were the true god.
When she said NO your not ....they changed there demeaner
to that of their true nature ( a demonic entity) and started to
countdown from 10-1 .She believed that at One, she would
have been blown apart.It was a very real scenario for her
and it only stopped becuase she called upon the name of Jesus
to help her.
You can see that that video on my youtube channel .-under the heading AMANDA
Often these negative encounter experiences would be
brushed off by those that had them,as if it was a one off thing.
and even not shared or spoken about with peers as it would
be perceived that their vibration is low ,and they are attracting
negative entities or have an “attachment.”
Ive heard this many times in the new age movement.
These are very NEW AGE terms used frequently for anything negative.
You can see clearly that the choice of their wording
has very New Age connotations like “vibration and Frequency.”
This was quite perplexing to me and duly noted.
These things were also noted by other Alien Abduction
Researchers Like Dr Karla Turner PHD.
So when i studied their cases and looked closely I noticed a few things
When prompted that even the experiments were painful to them, I would ask why they would submit and persist?
Some clients would claim-
- The beings told them it’s for their benefit
- The beings told them its all for the good of humanity .
- They they (the aliens) are there to help us.
- They told the experiences that they have a role in it or play a part on a grand scale
- It is all part of the experiencers " mission "here at this time.
- The good will come later.
Researchers Like Dr Karla Turner PHD.
under a “hypnotic spell”
“mind control programming.”?????
The Abductee’s seemed to be very compliant and
subservient to these entities. For the most part the
personality types of the people abducted were very
"empathic",which often would result in them showing
feeling or sympathizing with the entities.
Questions we need to ask ourselves .....................Could
these “empathic” people ( the alien abductee ) be
more easily manipulated ?
Could they show more “empathy ‘ to help humanity ,
when they are shown images of Impending Doom
upon the earth, people injured and war like scenarios ?
Often people who have great empathy ,have often had
serious traumatic situation in their lives and as a result
of their own trauma they can empathized quite uniquely
because they understand pain. So when these so called
aliens implant ideas of impending doom the experiencer
naturally empathizes and submits to anything that will
keep that doom from happening, particularly if they
are told they are part of this mission for humanity.
This brings to mind a similar situation to Stockholm
Syndrome (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in
which hostages develop a psychological bond with
their captors during captivity.
Emotional bonds may
be formed between captors and captives, during
intimate time together, but these are generally
considered irrational in light of the danger or risk
endured by the victims)
So now id like to share a list with you of what the Experiencer Believes and that includes some of those that have had negative experiences as well.
- Feel Chosen
- Feel special or selected for a major purpose which will be a future event.
- Are Given priority by the entities over other human beings. SO Authoritarian roles
- The are Earth Ambassadors or Leaders
- Feel like they are on a “mission” and need to complete their tasks.( that need can be like a strong overwhelming force)
- Many feel such a compelling ,a great need, almost an obsessive “push” to stay on track with the mission.
- Feel that in the end it will be all good again with a new world and everything will be of peace and love.
- That they agreed to be on this planet at this time for this purpose.
- They have had many lifetimes OR they have been reincarnated to be here this time.
- They may be afraid what will happen if they say “no” or do not comply.
- Many Experiences also felt that the Alien beings have aligned certain people to be with other people, or to have intimate relationships and work together as “partners’ in their roles or missions. These relationships are dynamic and powerful with a deep driven sexual nature of the relationship and create a soul bond between the two. Some call it twin flame ,soul-tie, twin soul. I saw many people in New Age leave their former partners and come together in this manner and describe this exact experie
very little to actually help the person.
In many cases it would lead to frustration,
in particularly to those under spiritual warfare
attack. It also could exacerbate Confusion,
Depression and Anxiety in the experiencer,
especially those looking for relief, and most
of all to those who want to STOP the
abduction and sleep paralysis experiences
It is not uncommon that any support
groups of this nature would experience
spiritual warfare in groups and some
even feel to be “targeted” or known as
a targeted individual. This seems to
take Spiritual Warfare to a whole new level.
Most often the reasons they would want
to come to these Alien Abduction support groups is –
- To hear other experiencers stories.
- Compare notes ( so to speak).
- Look for help to “stop “the experiences.
- Try to understand why it’s happening to them.
- Learn something they didn’t know.
- Meet others on the same perceived “mission” they feel they are given by the entities.
- Feel they are not the only ones experiencing Malevolent beings.( somehow this lessens the overwhelming feelings for them)
prior coming to Jesus and understanding
these entities are not what people think they are.
They are actually demonic .
Through the contact support groups it
was evident there was little you could
do to help them.
From a secular point of view you certainly
couldn’t make it stop. No amount of burning
sage in the atmosphere is going to make
these entities go away.
The only solace for the contactee’s was to
give them a space to be heard and not
scrutinized or belittled.And thats nice
however they need more !
But the people with Trauma and PTSD
would have to live with these experiencing
because the right knowledge isn’t known
to them or they just dismiss it because
it mentions the name of “Jesus.”
I want to make a point loud and clear
that if the mentioning of the name of
JESUS is powerful enough to make
those so-called “Aliens” flee,
then they are NOT Aliens .
They are demonic entities. Demons.
They will flee and instantaneously
dissolve right before your eyes, with the name of JESUS.
And The bible tells us to test ALL SPIRITS. When the
ALiens are "tested" they simply vanish .
HOSEA 4:6 — My people perish through lack of knowledge
1 JOHN 4:1–Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Some experiencers groups are even promoting
the very thing that opens the spiritual doorways
to bring these entities in to begin within the first place
though occult practices and modalities .
These groups have people with high credentials in
the Space, Scientific and Professional Medical fields,
to give a seemingly Authoritarian Authentic approach
to the UFO Alien agenda in what they are sharing with
their audience.
It all sounds good and professional but they
dont know the truth
and they are opening up thousands of people
to spiritual warfare.
Some of those contact modalities these groups
promote are listed here-
Ce5, Ce6 which is defined as a new category
of Close Encounters,
CE6- defined by contact as a conscious,
integrated experience, OBE’s, Astral Projection
, Puja ceremonies , Meditation, Changeling,
Mediumship, Table tipping, Ouija boards,
automatic writing, and you name it.
They encourage it and they promote it.
So people please be aware.
Take heed and let no one deceive you, as I once was too.
1 TIMOTHY 4:1–Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
I found Jesus and found that He is the only truth
that makes this phenomena stop completely ,
unless you enjoy this and want this in your life.
Jesus can make such a great difference to
your life, and to make the
Alien Abduction Phenomena STOP.
Its been tried and tested over and over again with
hundreds of testimonies as prove it works.
new2 christ will give you all the tools and we have RESCUE REMEDY
step by step action plan and we have an extensive questionnaire for anyone
who is battling the demonic ,be it alien abduction,
spiritual warefare, sleep paralysis, occult, new age .
I hope by sharing a bit about me you can come
to know us as a “specialized” support Ministry
for these specific Alien Abduction encounters
and coming out of Occult and New Age.
It has been my greatest pleasure to help
people with these types of unusual encounters .
God clearly has his hand in everything we do,
and all our needs are met accordingly by the grace of God.
I would like to leave on this note.
Its isn’t just about getting out of the mess ,Occult ,
New Age, Aliens and UfO’s.
Its so much more than that. In fact everything
I have come to know is really all about the same thing.
All the world wars, the battles, the politics ,the life battles
we face daily and the dramas, it all is about the same thing.
If you’re on this earth at this time, we are all in a
spiritual battle and everyone living on this earth
is a part of that battle whether you know that now or not.
The devil roams around like a roaring lion seeking
who he will devour. It’s a battle against Satan for your
mind and your soul. And he comes to steal, Kill, and Destroy!
And we need to watch out for our kids, who are brainwashed
in the educations systems, by the idiot box (the tv) the music,
the celebrities – it’s everywhere!
All things leading to Their new world and NOT the one we want any part of!!
It’s all about humans, our free will and of course
what we are going to choose. There will be a time
not too far away, that everyone is going to have make a choice.
It’s between Good and Evil. The Light and the Dark. Jesus or Satan.
Jesus is the TRUTH !!!
Man says show me and I will believe,
But Gods says believe me ….and I will show you.
Please choose wisely, your eternal soul depends on it.
Jesus can give you salvation, and eternal life. It’s a simple step. It really is.
Just give your life to Jesus, ask Him, talk to Him,
tell Him you need Him in your life TODAY.
Jesus is NOT religion.
It was the religious that killed Him and persecuted him.
It is a “relationship.”
Call out to him.
Tell Him you choose HIM!
Repent for all your sins and you are forgiven by Him.
It could be your last day today and there are no guarantees about tomorrow.
Please don’t wait.
Thank you for having me on your show.
Thankyou for having me on your show
its such a blessing.
I live in melbourne australia
Married with 2 grown adult child
grew up in a non christian family
i was Alien experiencer and fell into new age
Now- Christian Counsellor specializing in
ALien ,UFO Bigfoot deceptions,
Bringing people out of New age and Occult
Help people with Spiritual warfare matters
and I am a deliverance facilitator
I work through my website
Indeed Alien Abduction is a true and
very real experience for them.
People dont make it up for fun.
However, is it a true REALITY, or is it a True
DECEPTION by these entitles ?
As a child
a lot of trauma, dad alcoholic ,abusive
I saw my first UFO at age 12
Ive probably seen over 10 sightings
Going back 10 years or more I got involved
in New AGe practices which
lead me on what i thought was my
spiritual journey of truth and discovery.
started by doing Meditation ,
and that lead to other modalties along the way.
This opened me up , I became extrmely psychic
I went deeper into ALien and UFos world
I became so involved in the whole Deception
over time .
I was running 6 groups worldwide and promting seminars
with very well known Guest speakers that are pushing this narrative.
I ended up in what you would
call alien abduction experiences.
strange encounters from what i thought
were beings from planets , as thats what we were lead to
believe through new age propaganda
During these times I would wake up with scratches , bruises,
droplets of blood on my pillow and sheets ,
and at one time a missing pregnancy at 14 weeks ,
I was confirmed pregnant by the doctor,i had a sonogram which revealed
and empty sac. There was no miscarriage and the sac was still present
other times I had a huge bruises on the front of my private parts area-
the size of a grapefruit
which can be confirmed by my husband , I have recollection
of how they got there. I didnt know what to believe at the time,
I thought it was something sinister, but it was too uncomfortable for
me to go any furthur
I would often be awoken by a female being who tell me to go
outside and would point to the door.
It happened some time between 2-5 am
There were others
that would come in . A figure with a cape with
a high colar ,he had an elongated head
( mention arcturian) He spoke telepathically
He was always guiding me to do things .
When I had regression ,about the first Ufo experience he was there
Mention dads death in meditation.- devils prophecy)
Holding the Abduction support groups brought a lot of spiritual warfare.
-Hearing craft hovering above -feeling the vibration
-Strange lights in the sky
-black helicopters
-white vans taking pictures etc
-strange phone calls and threats phone number 123456789
-full blown paranormal activity in the home.
- Also had 3 experiences with bigfoot and was speaker at conventions
HOWEVER this is all connected to the Alien Ufo deception
The Great UFO and ALIEn Deception
UFO and Alien Enthusiasts around
the world that have fallen for a grand deception
on a massive scale.
They believe that the either
all Et's or many races of Et's are here to
save humanity from destruction thats
coming upon the earth
Many people are worshiping them and opening
trying either to contact them or communicate
with them .
these people use various modalities to contact
these entities.
A CE5 is a common method people use as
a pathway for a physical sighting or contact.
Humans consciously or practically participate
in contact initiation rituals, which can involve
the use of lasers to zap the UAPs, which in
turn often the space craft will signal back
by getting larger and brighter .
They also use these
contact apps on a mobile phone which uses
a selection of frequencies and tones to attract
the space crafts.( steven Greer)
Sometimes Music , chanting
and meditation is used. there is also other
methods which involves specified techniques
which is a combination of remote viewing
and meditation together, in an attempt for
them to 'read your mind" to where you
want them to land.
-People have been "told"
by Aliens via occult channeling and telepathic
communications that these star beings are
the creators of all humans and we are a
hybrid race.
-Many "Star-seeds"
believe they are Half breeds of aliens themselves
-They are created by the aliens
- God isnt real but a fairy tale
-This is a lie that takes them away from the
one true God and sets them on a path
of deceit and destruction
=Remember the bible says Matt 7 :14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the way that
leads to life, and only a few find it.
WHat they truly are is-
- soulless demonic
entities ( fallen Angels) masquerading
as many different kinds of supposed ET
-Not form outer space and other planets
- Inter dimensional ,can
manifest what appears to be solid physical forms
and take the shape of anything they desire ( they shape
shifting abilities).
All the more to deceive you.
-Their grand plan is coming
, however the
signs and wonders have already appear
in our skies for millennia.
- UFos have been seen by people on
many occasions and this is nothing new
under the sun.
The people believe
-that these UFO s will arrive and remove them from the
destruction of the planet
- take them to a new dimension , a 5th
dimension density and a new earth .
-They believe in order to "ascend"to this 5th
dimension via the UFO taxi cabs they must
raise their vibrational frequency to a higher
accelerated level or else they will be left behind.
- A simple test is what is the frequency and compared to what?
Now doesn't their "ASCENSION " sound like a twisted version
on a Rapture scenario and Gods real promise
of a new earth for His children?
My research into the Alien Abduction Phenomena and what it reveals
I divided the ET contact into 2 categories
of people who experience them.
1. The “Experiencer”
is a term which is widely used more
predominantly for people who have a
BENEVOLENT experience with so called
extra-terrestrial beings.
2. “Alien Abductee”
is a term more predominantly used
for people who experience a malevolent,
supposed Extra-terrestrial being.
I believe
- NOT Extra-Terrestrial biological entities
- interdimensional spiritual entities in their nature
-demonic in the entirety of their being
even though many present themselves to be a benevolent being.
-great supernatural abilities to
cross the veil at their will, and if they are summoned.
- shape shifting abilities to present in how
ever they want YOU to perceive them.
-They are masters of manipulation and
- super inteligence
-supernatural powers and capabilities.
Remember that these entities are "imposters"
for being represented as Benevolent.
-some physicality to these experiences
-appear to be "physical" however
this doesnt always mean "flesh and Blood".
(example Ghost) or bigfoot
-Create a deception.
-They often appear in ways to appease YOU.
-"suck you into their game" for lack of a better word .
But in my opinion there can only really ever be
only one REAL truth to what’s really going
on in this phenomena.
And I dont think anyone has ever really
come to a full understanding of
everything thats going on here including
myself, however,
-we can help people-yes
- People can be set free
if they
understand the spiritual nature of what
they are dealing with and understand
the changes that they need to make for
this to work for them
On deeper exploration of the Alien phenomena through Clients,
I became intrigued by certain things during sessions
and I really started to see parallels in cases.
During my research....I found.
Its like recalling a dream that you can only
remember a few parts and you
fill in the blanks with what you
might think happened.
How then could we stand firm in
what we see or hear as evidence ?
Compiling all the notes together
I compiled all my notes together from every client
These are a list
-of what would happen in the encounters
-in their words these things they did were listed as stressful or agitating
On that list we have
video by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot who interviewed
George Green ( has a background in Science and the
Aerospace industry)
)he says this knowledge was given to the govern-ment by the grays
He goes on to state ( HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CLONES)
that they make people by
using only 2 cells from your body ,theN using a
small electrical charge , it acts as a fertilised egg.
They were implanting the fetuses in human woman
who were programmed through MIND CONTROL to believe
that they were being invaded by aliens and they
were Alien Abductees.
After about 14 weeks these feotuses were then
taken from them as they started their own blood supply.....
so my point is the Alien abduction side of it and what he said.
I cannot claim what he says it the truth ,however like
i said its very complex
this scenario sounds like an MK Ultra programming
and it links into the Alien Abduction experience.
Is it possible>
There is so much hidden from us from the powers that be.
Why do some people see Military involved in their experience ?
Something to think about..
often Abduction experience would be perceived
as neutral,by the experiencer ,
even if it was quite a menacing experience
they would often show many signs
of Agitation, Anger, Frustration, Fear, Confusion,
Pain, Tears, Terror and Torment
which was in conflict ,as they would percieve their
experince as neutral
- This is almost like they are being groomed or brainwashed.
they “accept” these feelings inflicted by the
entities rather than reject what was presented.
-they would see themselves as willing participants
in such procedures they endured after the entities
had coerced them into submitting.
The entities enticed them with words, ( telepathically )
- they would be “ok and unharmed”
no matter how painful the procedure was.
With one client she didnt comply to what they
wanted her to do .
They wanted her to accept that they
were the true god.
When she said NO your not ....they
changed there demeaner
to that of their true nature ( a demonic entity)
and started to
countdown from 10-1 .
She believed that at One, she would
have been blown apart.
It was a very real scenario for her
and it only stopped becuase she called upon the name of Jesus
to help her.
You can see that that video on my youtube channel .
Often these negative encounter experiences
would be brushed off by those that had them,
So when i studied their cases and looked
closely I noticed a few things
When prompted that even the experiments
were painful to them, I would ask why they
would submit and persist?
Some clients would claim-
or some type of “mind control programming.”as
we have previously mentioned.
The Abductee’s seemed to be very compliant and
subservient to these entities in most cases
I noticed the personality types of the experiencer
were very
"empathic",which often would result in them showing
feeling or sympathizing with the entities.
-Is an empathic person more easily persuaded or manipulated?Yes
-Are they more likely to want to help humanity? Yes
-Are the people who have been abducted experienced
a lot of trauma in their life- Yes Most often.
Often people who have great empathy ,have often had
serious trauma in their lives and as a result
of their own trauma they can empathized quite uniquely
because they understand pain. So when these so called
aliens ,implant ideas of impending doom the experiencer
naturally empathizes and submits to anything that will
keep that doom from happening, particularly if they
are told they are part of this mission for humanity.
This brings to mind a similar situation to Stockholm
Syndrome (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in
which hostages develop a psychological bond with
their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may
be formed between captors and captives, during
intimate time together, but these are generally
considered irrational in light of the danger or risk
endured by the victims)
So now id like to share a list with you of what
the Experiencer Believes and that includes
some of those that have had negative
experiences as well.
they Feel Chosen
Feel special or selected for a major
purpose which will be a future event.
Are Given priority by the entities over
other human beings. ........SO they may have Authoritarian roles
(gOVERNMENT LEADERS-steven greer)
The are Earth Ambassadors or Leaders
Feel like they are on a “mission” and need to
complete their tasks.( that need can
be like a strong overwhelming force)
this is where a bodily possession of a demon can be a stronghold.
Many feel such a compelling ,a great need, almost an obsessive
“push” to stay on track with the mission.
Feel that in the end it will be all good again with a new
world and everything will be of peace and love.
That believe ,they agreed to be on this planet at this
time for this purpose.
They have had many lifetimes OR they have been
reincarnated to be here this time.
They may be afraid what will happen if they
say “no” or do not comply.
-Alien beings
have aligned with certain people
or to have intimate relationships and work together as
“partners’ in their roles or missions.
These relationships
are dynamic and powerful with a deep driven sexual
nature of the relationship and create a soul bond between
the two.
Some call it twin flame ,soul-tie, twin soul.
I saw many people in New Age leave their former partners
and come together in this manner and describe this exact experience.
Its the very thing that opens the spiritual doorways
to bring these entities in to begin within the first place
though occult practices and modalities .
These groups have people with high credentials in
the Space, Scientific and Professional Medical fields,
to give a seemingly Authoritarian Authentic approach
to the UFO Alien agenda in what they are sharing with
their audience.
It all sounds good and professional but they
dont know the truth
and they are opening up thousands of people
to spiritual warfare.And in time that will happen
Some of those contact modalities these groups
promote are listed here-
Ce5, Ce6 which is defined as a new category
of Close Encounters,
CE6- defined by contact as a conscious,
integrated experience, OBE’s, Astral Projection
, Puja ceremonies , Meditation, Changeling,
Mediumship, Table tipping, Ouija boards,
automatic writing, and you name it.
They encourage it and they promote it.
So people please be aware.
Take heed and let no one deceive you, as I once was too.
1 TIMOTHY 4:1–Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
give them a space to be heard and not
scrutinized or belittled.And thats nice
however they need more !
But the people with Trauma and PTSD
would have to live with these experiencing
because the right knowledge isn’t known
to them or they just dismiss it because
it mentions the name of “Jesus.”
I want to make a point loud and clear
that if the mentioning of the name of
JESUS is powerful enough to make
those so-called “Aliens” flee,
then they are NOT Aliens .
They are demonic entities. Demons.
They will flee
right before your eyes,
with the name of JESUS.
And The bible tells us to test ALL SPIRITS.
When the
ALiens that are "tested" simply vanish .
HOSEA 4:6 — My people perish through lack of knowledge
1 JOHN 4:1–Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits to see whether they are
from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
I found Jesus after my own spiritual warfare
battle , i submitted and begged for him
to help me and he did
and i found that He is the only truth
that makes this phenomena stop completely ,
unless you enjoy this and want this in your life.
Jesus can make such a great difference to
your life, and to make the
Alien Abduction Phenomena STOP.
Its been tried and tested over and over again with
personal testimonies as proof it works.
new2 will give you all the tools and we
step by step action plan and we have an
extensive questionnaire for anyone
who is battling the demonic ,be it alien abduction,
spiritual warefare, sleep paralysis, occult, new age .
I hope by sharing a bit about me you can come
to know us as a “specialized” support Ministry
for these specific Alien Abduction encounters
and coming out of Occult and New Age.
It has been my greatest pleasure to help
people with these types of unusual encounters .
God clearly has his hand in everything we do,
and all our needs are met accordingly by the grace of God.
Its isn’t just about getting out of the mess ,Occult ,
New Age, Aliens and UfO’s.
Its so much more than that. In fact everything
I have come to know is really all about the same thing.
All the world wars, the battles, the politics ,the life battles
we face daily and the dramas, it all is about the same thing.
If you’re on this earth at this time, we are all in a
spiritual battle and everyone living on this earth
is a part of that battle whether you know that now or not.
The devil roams around like a roaring lion seeking
who he will devour.
It’s a battle against Satan for your
mind and your soul. And he comes to steal, Kill, and Destroy!
And we need to watch out for our kids, who are brainwashed
in the educations systems, by the idiot box (the tv) the music,
the celebrities – it’s everywhere!
All things leading to Their new world
and NOT the one we want any part of!!
It’s all about humans, our free will and of course
what we are going to choose. There will be a time
not too far away, that everyone is going to have make a choice.
It’s between Good and Evil. The Light and the Dark. Jesus or Satan.
Jesus is the TRUTH !!!
Man says show me and I will believe,
But Gods says believe me ….and I will show you.
Please choose wisely, your eternal soul depends on it.
Jesus can give you salvation, and eternal life.
It’s a simple step. It really is.
Just give your life to Jesus, ask Him, talk to Him,
tell Him you need Him in your life TODAY.
Jesus is NOT religion.
It was the religious that killed Him and persecuted him.
It is a “relationship.”
Call out to him.
Tell Him you choose HIM!
Repent for all your sins and you are forgiven by Him.
It could be your last day today
and there are no guarantees about tomorrow.
Please don’t wait.
Thank you for having me on your show.
its such a blessing.
I live in melbourne australia
Married with 2 grown adult child
grew up in a non christian family
i was Alien experiencer and fell into new age
Now- Christian Counsellor specializing in
ALien ,UFO Bigfoot deceptions,
Bringing people out of New age and Occult
Help people with Spiritual warfare matters
and I am a deliverance facilitator
I work through my website
Indeed Alien Abduction is a true and
very real experience for them.
People dont make it up for fun.
However, is it a true REALITY, or is it a True
DECEPTION by these entitles ?
As a child
a lot of trauma, dad alcoholic ,abusive
I saw my first UFO at age 12
Ive probably seen over 10 sightings
Going back 10 years or more I got involved
in New AGe practices which
lead me on what i thought was my
spiritual journey of truth and discovery.
started by doing Meditation ,
and that lead to other modalties along the way.
This opened me up , I became extrmely psychic
I went deeper into ALien and UFos world
I became so involved in the whole Deception
over time .
I was running 6 groups worldwide and promting seminars
with very well known Guest speakers that are pushing this narrative.
I ended up in what you would
call alien abduction experiences.
strange encounters from what i thought
were beings from planets , as thats what we were lead to
believe through new age propaganda
During these times I would wake up with scratches , bruises,
droplets of blood on my pillow and sheets ,
and at one time a missing pregnancy at 14 weeks ,
I was confirmed pregnant by the doctor,i had a sonogram which revealed
and empty sac. There was no miscarriage and the sac was still present
other times I had a huge bruises on the front of my private parts area-
the size of a grapefruit
which can be confirmed by my husband , I have recollection
of how they got there. I didnt know what to believe at the time,
I thought it was something sinister, but it was too uncomfortable for
me to go any furthur
I would often be awoken by a female being who tell me to go
outside and would point to the door.
It happened some time between 2-5 am
There were others
that would come in . A figure with a cape with
a high colar ,he had an elongated head
( mention arcturian) He spoke telepathically
He was always guiding me to do things .
When I had regression ,about the first Ufo experience he was there
Mention dads death in meditation.- devils prophecy)
Holding the Abduction support groups brought a lot of spiritual warfare.
-Hearing craft hovering above -feeling the vibration
-Strange lights in the sky
-black helicopters
-white vans taking pictures etc
-strange phone calls and threats phone number 123456789
-full blown paranormal activity in the home.
- Also had 3 experiences with bigfoot and was speaker at conventions
HOWEVER this is all connected to the Alien Ufo deception
The Great UFO and ALIEn Deception
UFO and Alien Enthusiasts around
the world that have fallen for a grand deception
on a massive scale.
They believe that the either
all Et's or many races of Et's are here to
save humanity from destruction thats
coming upon the earth
Many people are worshiping them and opening
trying either to contact them or communicate
with them .
these people use various modalities to contact
these entities.
A CE5 is a common method people use as
a pathway for a physical sighting or contact.
Humans consciously or practically participate
in contact initiation rituals, which can involve
the use of lasers to zap the UAPs, which in
turn often the space craft will signal back
by getting larger and brighter .
They also use these
contact apps on a mobile phone which uses
a selection of frequencies and tones to attract
the space crafts.( steven Greer)
Sometimes Music , chanting
and meditation is used. there is also other
methods which involves specified techniques
which is a combination of remote viewing
and meditation together, in an attempt for
them to 'read your mind" to where you
want them to land.
-People have been "told"
by Aliens via occult channeling and telepathic
communications that these star beings are
the creators of all humans and we are a
hybrid race.
-Many "Star-seeds"
believe they are Half breeds of aliens themselves
-They are created by the aliens
- God isnt real but a fairy tale
-This is a lie that takes them away from the
one true God and sets them on a path
of deceit and destruction
=Remember the bible says Matt 7 :14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the way that
leads to life, and only a few find it.
WHat they truly are is-
- soulless demonic
entities ( fallen Angels) masquerading
as many different kinds of supposed ET
-Not form outer space and other planets
- Inter dimensional ,can
manifest what appears to be solid physical forms
and take the shape of anything they desire ( they shape
shifting abilities).
All the more to deceive you.
-Their grand plan is coming
, however the
signs and wonders have already appear
in our skies for millennia.
- UFos have been seen by people on
many occasions and this is nothing new
under the sun.
The people believe
-that these UFO s will arrive and remove them from the
destruction of the planet
- take them to a new dimension , a 5th
dimension density and a new earth .
-They believe in order to "ascend"to this 5th
dimension via the UFO taxi cabs they must
raise their vibrational frequency to a higher
accelerated level or else they will be left behind.
- A simple test is what is the frequency and compared to what?
Now doesn't their "ASCENSION " sound like a twisted version
on a Rapture scenario and Gods real promise
of a new earth for His children?
My research into the Alien Abduction Phenomena and what it reveals
I divided the ET contact into 2 categories
of people who experience them.
1. The “Experiencer”
is a term which is widely used more
predominantly for people who have a
BENEVOLENT experience with so called
extra-terrestrial beings.
2. “Alien Abductee”
is a term more predominantly used
for people who experience a malevolent,
supposed Extra-terrestrial being.
I believe
- NOT Extra-Terrestrial biological entities
- interdimensional spiritual entities in their nature
-demonic in the entirety of their being
even though many present themselves to be a benevolent being.
-great supernatural abilities to
cross the veil at their will, and if they are summoned.
- shape shifting abilities to present in how
ever they want YOU to perceive them.
-They are masters of manipulation and
- super inteligence
-supernatural powers and capabilities.
Remember that these entities are "imposters"
for being represented as Benevolent.
-some physicality to these experiences
-appear to be "physical" however
this doesnt always mean "flesh and Blood".
(example Ghost) or bigfoot
-Create a deception.
-They often appear in ways to appease YOU.
-"suck you into their game" for lack of a better word .
But in my opinion there can only really ever be
only one REAL truth to what’s really going
on in this phenomena.
And I dont think anyone has ever really
come to a full understanding of
everything thats going on here including
myself, however,
-we can help people-yes
- People can be set free
if they
understand the spiritual nature of what
they are dealing with and understand
the changes that they need to make for
this to work for them
On deeper exploration of the Alien phenomena through Clients,
I became intrigued by certain things during sessions
and I really started to see parallels in cases.
During my research....I found.
Its like recalling a dream that you can only
remember a few parts and you
fill in the blanks with what you
might think happened.
How then could we stand firm in
what we see or hear as evidence ?
Compiling all the notes together
I compiled all my notes together from every client
These are a list
-of what would happen in the encounters
-in their words these things they did were listed as stressful or agitating
On that list we have
- DNA collection
- Excruciating examinations & Procedures..- physical evidence or scarring.
- Receiving physical deposits of materials within the body or they would call them “implants”
- Taking samples of skin, hair, semen, etc
- Sexual encounters with Entities (Male and Female entitles
- Pleiadian, Reptilian ,Mantid beings or other Grotesque type figures and the more sexual natured entites commonly known as Inccubus and Succubus)
- A variety of different entities could present at the one time – Some the clients would say they even manifest in The Hypnosis session on the day and would say they are present beside them .It was experienced by myself and often when this happened their would be a sudden drop in room temparature OR we would here a noise in the room , like a pop or a knock ,which seemed difficult to locate at the time.
- Uniformed Military presence , in the abduction experience
- Visitations ,Dreams or visions by Hybrid type beings, babies and children
- Leaving the body (Out of Body Experiences)
- The removal of clothing ( often naked) sometimes the clothing would be put back on however it was inside out or back to front. This happened to my daughter on 2 occasions
- Puzzles or tests to be performed by the abducted experiencer. Often with other children or adults or some times a school like setting.
- They were told to perform tasks before your allowed to “go home” .Notice the words....TOLD not ASKED
- Visions of Impending doom and destruction of the earth ( often in the form of a screen or projected image)
- Missing fetuses usually removed at 13-14 weeks and leaves an empty womb with the gestational sac completely in tact.
- Remember these experiences have many layers
- its very complex and convoluted
- and we cant just pluck an answer unless we look at every angle
video by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot who interviewed
George Green ( has a background in Science and the
Aerospace industry)
)he says this knowledge was given to the govern-ment by the grays
He goes on to state ( HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CLONES)
that they make people by
using only 2 cells from your body ,theN using a
small electrical charge , it acts as a fertilised egg.
They were implanting the fetuses in human woman
who were programmed through MIND CONTROL to believe
that they were being invaded by aliens and they
were Alien Abductees.
After about 14 weeks these feotuses were then
taken from them as they started their own blood supply.....
so my point is the Alien abduction side of it and what he said.
I cannot claim what he says it the truth ,however like
i said its very complex
this scenario sounds like an MK Ultra programming
and it links into the Alien Abduction experience.
Is it possible>
There is so much hidden from us from the powers that be.
Why do some people see Military involved in their experience ?
Something to think about..
often Abduction experience would be perceived
as neutral,by the experiencer ,
even if it was quite a menacing experience
they would often show many signs
of Agitation, Anger, Frustration, Fear, Confusion,
Pain, Tears, Terror and Torment
which was in conflict ,as they would percieve their
experince as neutral
- This is almost like they are being groomed or brainwashed.
they “accept” these feelings inflicted by the
entities rather than reject what was presented.
-they would see themselves as willing participants
in such procedures they endured after the entities
had coerced them into submitting.
The entities enticed them with words, ( telepathically )
- they would be “ok and unharmed”
no matter how painful the procedure was.
With one client she didnt comply to what they
wanted her to do .
They wanted her to accept that they
were the true god.
When she said NO your not ....they
changed there demeaner
to that of their true nature ( a demonic entity)
and started to
countdown from 10-1 .
She believed that at One, she would
have been blown apart.
It was a very real scenario for her
and it only stopped becuase she called upon the name of Jesus
to help her.
You can see that that video on my youtube channel .
Often these negative encounter experiences
would be brushed off by those that had them,
So when i studied their cases and looked
closely I noticed a few things
When prompted that even the experiments
were painful to them, I would ask why they
would submit and persist?
Some clients would claim-
- The beings told them it’s for their benefit
- The beings told them its all for the good of humanity .
- They they (the aliens) are there to help us.
- They told the experiences that they have a role in it
- It is all part of the experiencers " mission "here at this time.
- The good will come later.
or some type of “mind control programming.”as
we have previously mentioned.
The Abductee’s seemed to be very compliant and
subservient to these entities in most cases
I noticed the personality types of the experiencer
were very
"empathic",which often would result in them showing
feeling or sympathizing with the entities.
-Is an empathic person more easily persuaded or manipulated?Yes
-Are they more likely to want to help humanity? Yes
-Are the people who have been abducted experienced
a lot of trauma in their life- Yes Most often.
Often people who have great empathy ,have often had
serious trauma in their lives and as a result
of their own trauma they can empathized quite uniquely
because they understand pain. So when these so called
aliens ,implant ideas of impending doom the experiencer
naturally empathizes and submits to anything that will
keep that doom from happening, particularly if they
are told they are part of this mission for humanity.
This brings to mind a similar situation to Stockholm
Syndrome (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in
which hostages develop a psychological bond with
their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may
be formed between captors and captives, during
intimate time together, but these are generally
considered irrational in light of the danger or risk
endured by the victims)
So now id like to share a list with you of what
the Experiencer Believes and that includes
some of those that have had negative
experiences as well.
they Feel Chosen
Feel special or selected for a major
purpose which will be a future event.
Are Given priority by the entities over
other human beings. ........SO they may have Authoritarian roles
(gOVERNMENT LEADERS-steven greer)
The are Earth Ambassadors or Leaders
Feel like they are on a “mission” and need to
complete their tasks.( that need can
be like a strong overwhelming force)
this is where a bodily possession of a demon can be a stronghold.
Many feel such a compelling ,a great need, almost an obsessive
“push” to stay on track with the mission.
Feel that in the end it will be all good again with a new
world and everything will be of peace and love.
That believe ,they agreed to be on this planet at this
time for this purpose.
They have had many lifetimes OR they have been
reincarnated to be here this time.
They may be afraid what will happen if they
say “no” or do not comply.
-Alien beings
have aligned with certain people
or to have intimate relationships and work together as
“partners’ in their roles or missions.
These relationships
are dynamic and powerful with a deep driven sexual
nature of the relationship and create a soul bond between
the two.
Some call it twin flame ,soul-tie, twin soul.
I saw many people in New Age leave their former partners
and come together in this manner and describe this exact experience.
- THere are ALIEN UFO groups out there that are Promoting
Occult practices. They are run by people who are famous people in
Aerospace programs -Please Beware of these groups.
Its the very thing that opens the spiritual doorways
to bring these entities in to begin within the first place
though occult practices and modalities .
These groups have people with high credentials in
the Space, Scientific and Professional Medical fields,
to give a seemingly Authoritarian Authentic approach
to the UFO Alien agenda in what they are sharing with
their audience.
It all sounds good and professional but they
dont know the truth
and they are opening up thousands of people
to spiritual warfare.And in time that will happen
Some of those contact modalities these groups
promote are listed here-
Ce5, Ce6 which is defined as a new category
of Close Encounters,
CE6- defined by contact as a conscious,
integrated experience, OBE’s, Astral Projection
, Puja ceremonies , Meditation, Changeling,
Mediumship, Table tipping, Ouija boards,
automatic writing, and you name it.
They encourage it and they promote it.
So people please be aware.
Take heed and let no one deceive you, as I once was too.
1 TIMOTHY 4:1–Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
- Its eveident you cannot help the ALien
Experiencer unless they come our of
the great decpetion-
give them a space to be heard and not
scrutinized or belittled.And thats nice
however they need more !
But the people with Trauma and PTSD
would have to live with these experiencing
because the right knowledge isn’t known
to them or they just dismiss it because
it mentions the name of “Jesus.”
I want to make a point loud and clear
that if the mentioning of the name of
JESUS is powerful enough to make
those so-called “Aliens” flee,
then they are NOT Aliens .
They are demonic entities. Demons.
They will flee
right before your eyes,
with the name of JESUS.
And The bible tells us to test ALL SPIRITS.
When the
ALiens that are "tested" simply vanish .
HOSEA 4:6 — My people perish through lack of knowledge
1 JOHN 4:1–Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits to see whether they are
from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
I found Jesus after my own spiritual warfare
battle , i submitted and begged for him
to help me and he did
and i found that He is the only truth
that makes this phenomena stop completely ,
unless you enjoy this and want this in your life.
Jesus can make such a great difference to
your life, and to make the
Alien Abduction Phenomena STOP.
Its been tried and tested over and over again with
personal testimonies as proof it works.
new2 will give you all the tools and we
step by step action plan and we have an
extensive questionnaire for anyone
who is battling the demonic ,be it alien abduction,
spiritual warefare, sleep paralysis, occult, new age .
I hope by sharing a bit about me you can come
to know us as a “specialized” support Ministry
for these specific Alien Abduction encounters
and coming out of Occult and New Age.
It has been my greatest pleasure to help
people with these types of unusual encounters .
God clearly has his hand in everything we do,
and all our needs are met accordingly by the grace of God.
Its isn’t just about getting out of the mess ,Occult ,
New Age, Aliens and UfO’s.
Its so much more than that. In fact everything
I have come to know is really all about the same thing.
All the world wars, the battles, the politics ,the life battles
we face daily and the dramas, it all is about the same thing.
If you’re on this earth at this time, we are all in a
spiritual battle and everyone living on this earth
is a part of that battle whether you know that now or not.
The devil roams around like a roaring lion seeking
who he will devour.
It’s a battle against Satan for your
mind and your soul. And he comes to steal, Kill, and Destroy!
And we need to watch out for our kids, who are brainwashed
in the educations systems, by the idiot box (the tv) the music,
the celebrities – it’s everywhere!
All things leading to Their new world
and NOT the one we want any part of!!
It’s all about humans, our free will and of course
what we are going to choose. There will be a time
not too far away, that everyone is going to have make a choice.
It’s between Good and Evil. The Light and the Dark. Jesus or Satan.
Jesus is the TRUTH !!!
Man says show me and I will believe,
But Gods says believe me ….and I will show you.
Please choose wisely, your eternal soul depends on it.
Jesus can give you salvation, and eternal life.
It’s a simple step. It really is.
Just give your life to Jesus, ask Him, talk to Him,
tell Him you need Him in your life TODAY.
Jesus is NOT religion.
It was the religious that killed Him and persecuted him.
It is a “relationship.”
Call out to him.
Tell Him you choose HIM!
Repent for all your sins and you are forgiven by Him.
It could be your last day today
and there are no guarantees about tomorrow.
Please don’t wait.
Thank you for having me on your show.
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